Coffee prices on both exchanges fluctuated cautiously in the increase in buying and lacked many traders due to the year-end holiday to the beginning of the new year.
Robusta London chart on Tuesday / 2021 session on December 31, 2020
KAt the end of the session at the end of 2020, the price of Robusta coffee on the ICE Europe – London floor rose. Futures for immediate delivery in March increased 10 USD, to 1,386 USD / ton and futures for May delivery increased 8 USD, to 1,395 USD / ton, the slight increases. Trading volume very low below average.
Similarly, Arabica coffee prices on the ICE US – New York floor also tend to increase. Futures for delivery in March increased 2.85 cents, to 128.25 cents / lb and futures for May delivery also increased by 2.85 cents, to 130.15 cents / lb, the increases were quite strong. Trading volume below average.
The price of coffee beans in the Central Highlands provinces increased by 100-200 VND, up fluctuating in the frame of 32,700 – 33,200 VND / kg.
Export Robusta coffee price type 2, 5% broken black, stood at 1,495 USD / ton, FOB – HCM, with the difference plus 80-100 USD / ton in term of May in London.
Reais copper was stable, almost unchanged at 1 USD = 5,1890 Reais during a session of insignificant volatility. Mainly the balance of speculative positions at the end of the year, while the outside market was also quiet with the fear of the spread of covid-19 epidemic and the slow, not as expected in vaccination.
Coffee prices on both exchanges fluctuated cautiously in accumulation and speculation to increase buying to exit positions, year-end bookkeeping.
Certified inventory reports on the two exchanges have soared. Volume at Arabica coffee warehouses managed by ICE – New York has exceeded 1.35 million bags, helping to reduce shortage concerns.
While Latin American and Latin American wet-processed Arabica producers are currently harvesting the new crop, estimated at more than 31 million bags, a slight decrease from last year’s harvest and drought concerns in Brazil also slightly decreased. when the weather was in the rainy season.
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