Farmers should not buy fertilizers that indicate unclear, unclear nutritional content, the percentage of nutrition is too low to avoid counterfeit and poor quality products.
Today inorganic fertilizers used for crops account for over 95% of the total nutrient. The emergence of many types from single, mixed, multi-nutrient, intermediate, and micro-fertilizers on the market and the scientific terminology on product packages often “fool” farmers .
Therefore, understanding the terms will help to choose the effective use of fertilizers.
Chemical fertilizers and mineral fertilizers collectively referred to as inorganic fertilizers are compounds in the chemical form that contain one or more essential nutrients for plants.
The commonly used chemical fertilizers are nitrogenous fertilizer, superphosphate fertilizer, potassium fertilizer, mixed fertilizer, intermediate amount, microelement. Mineral fertilizers are fertilizers such as calcined phosphate, lime and some fertilizers not processed by chemical technology.
Nitrogen fertilizers (fertilizers containing nitrogen)
As the common name for the type of protein-based single fertilizer is symbolized as N. Commonly used fertilizers:
– Urea: The chemical formula (CO (NH2) 2) containing 44-48% pure N is the fertilizer with the highest N ratio commonly used today. On the packaging usually write the average% N ratio is 46% pure protein.
– Sulfate nitrogen: The chemical formula ((NH4) 2SO4) also known as SA fertilizer contains 20-21% N and 23% S (S denotes sulfur).
Phosphorus (Phosphate containing phosphate is denoted by P)
Phosphate fertilizer has 2 types: natural phosphate, such as Apatite, Phosphorite and manufactured phosphorous fertilizer (superphosphate, calcined phosphate).
The content of pure phosphorus (easily absorbable phosphorus by plants) is calculated in the form of P2O5 and recorded on the packaging as a percentage of P2O5. Natural phosphate forms such as Apatite, Phosphorite have very little phosphorus content, so they are rarely used.
– Phosphate superphosphate (chemical formula Ca (H2PO4) H2O is produced by acid technology, the content of P2O5 easily digestible phosphorus from 15 – 17% and 11 -12% S, feces in the form of gray powder, sour smell easy to absorb moisture , the stool has a sour reaction so when fertilizing it is necessary to coordinate with liming.
– FMP phosphate is also called phosphatcanximagie (FMP), in our country, it was the first SX produced at Van Dien phosphorus factory (so also called Van Dien phosphate).
Fertilizers are easily soluble in weak acids, dissolve well in acidic acid secreted by the plants and can be used well on all kinds of soil, especially on acid sulphate soils and hill soils, so the efficiency of Van Dien's fused phosphate is very high.
Potassium fertilizer (stool containing potassium)
Denoted as K, the content of pure potassium in the stool is calculated in the form of K2O and recorded on the packaging of a percentage of K2O.
Common types of potassium fertilizer on the market today are: Kalicloride (KCl) also known as Muriate of potash, abbreviated on the packaging is MOP containing 50 – 62% K2O in pink powder like chili salt with white like salt hygroscopic, easy to clump; is a kind of biofertilizing fertilizer that needs continuous fertilization in many seasons, requiring lime or fused fertilizer.
Potassium sulphate (K2SO4) also known as sulfate of potash, abbreviated on the package is SOP containing 45 – 50% K2O and 18% S white crystalline form with little hygroscopic, little lumps, is a sour biological fertilizer continuous use will increase soil acidity.
Fertilizers intermediate
The calcium (lime) chemical formula (CaO) abbreviated (Ca) is usually written on the packaging as a percentage of CaO or Ca + 2.
Calcium is abundant in lime, shells, seashells, corals, fused phosphate containing 28-30% CaO. Calcium is the nutrient of the plant, at the same time improving soil to reduce acidity, increasing disease resistance for plants.
The chemical formula magnesium (MgO) for abbreviation (Mg) is usually written on the packaging as a percentage of MgO or Mg.
Magnesium produced industrially is abundant in Van Dien fused phosphate from 15 – 18%. Magnesium is an important nutrient in chlorophyll formation and photosynthesis of nutrients in plants.
The chemical formula silicon (SiO2), abbreviated (Si), is often written with the percentage of SiO2 on the packaging, the silicon in Van Dien fused phosphate is 24-32%, silicon is especially important for a number of crops such as rice, maize, sugarcane, pineapple …
Sulfur denoted by (S) is usually recorded as a percentage of S on the packaging, S is in many fertilizers such as superphosphate, SA fertilizer, in mixed fertilizers.
Micronutrient fertilizers (TE)
Includes 6 main nutrients are zinc (Z), boron (B), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), molipden (Mo). Usually stated on the packaging as a ppm or a percentage. Many fertilizers generally list only TE with no percentage or ppm.
Mixed fertilizer (NPK + microelement fertilizer)
Mixed fertilizers are caused by two or more types of single fertilizers mixed by mechanical methods or 1-grain complexes, in addition to macronutrients, N, P, and K types, including Ca, Mg, S or micronutrients ( TE).
-Partition PK: Mix super phosphate with KCl in a ratio of 0: 1: 3 (55% super phosphate and 45% KCl) or 0: 1: 2 (65% super phosphate and 32-35% KCl). The 0: 1: 2 ratio type contains 5.8% P2O5 and 11.75% K2O recorded on the% P2O5 and% K2O percentage packaging.
-Distribution of Diamophos: Also known as feces (DAP), the chemical formula (NH4HPO4) is a double superphosphate mixed with ammonium sulfate. The DAP indicated on the packaging is 46% P2O5 and 18% N. DAP has only two nutritional components, N and P.
– NPK + TE fertilizer: At present, there are many types of NPK mixed fertilizers with different ratios, some types have added some intermediate elements such as calcium, magnesium or S which are often listed on the packaging.
For example: NPK 16.16.8 + 13S means that this fertilizer has 16% N, 16% P2O5, 8% K2O and 13% S, or NPK 16.10.6 + 2.5 (CaO + MgO) have means that this fertilizer has 16% N, 10% P2O5, 6% K2O and 2.5% calcium and magnesium, or NPK fertilizer 12.12.5 + TE means this fertilizer has 12% N, 12% P2O5, 5% K2O and (TE).
NPK Van Dien Fertilizer has 13 nutrients including macronutrients, NPK, intermediate amounts of Calcium, Magnesium, silicon, sulfur and microelements such as iron, zinc, copper, manganese, boron, cobalt, which are full types of nutrition elements. Nursing today.
* TE is an abbreviation of the English words “Trail Elementary”, meaning trace elements, only traces in chemical analysis, not balanced by quantity.
TE is only meaningful and effective when it is recorded as micronutrients and how much nutrition is in ppm or the percentage is how much of each trace element.
Thus, the higher the percentage of nutrients, the higher its pure content and the lower the percentage, the lower its pure content.
Farmers when choosing a fertilizer after choosing a well-known brand, based on the notes on the percentage of macronutrients, medium and micronutrients registered on the cover of each substance. Identify the right type that you need.
Do not buy fertilizers that indicate unclear nutritional content, import, the percentage of nutritional factors is too low to avoid counterfeit and poor quality goods.
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