According to the Association pepper Vietnam (VPA), in 2013, the country's pepper output reached only about 95,000 tons, but in the first 7 months of the year exported to 94,000 tons. The balance with last year's inventory shifted, from now on to the harvest pepper Only 5 months left, but the supply pepper for export is less than 15,000 tons.
Area increased, production decreased
For many years, Vietnam has been an export power pepper No. 1 in the world, but the industry is revealing 2 big paradoxes. Firstly, the area increases, production decreases. In 2011, the whole country had 53,000ha pepper, output 125,000 tons; In 2012, it was 57,500 hectares with an output of 115,000 tons. In 2013, the area pepper of the whole country increased to 60,000ha but the output was only 95,000 tons. pepper accounts for only 2.5% of the total area of nearly 2 million hectares of 5 industrial crops in our country but accounts for over 8% of export value. Economic value of pepper Currently reaching about 6,800 USD / ha / year, 4 times higher than rubber, 8 times cashew, 2.6 times the coffee and 6 times more than tea. Grower pepper Can collect interest of VND 200-250 million / ha / year.
However, this is also one of the reasons making planning pepper of many localities were broken. Over the years, because of planting pepper For high profits, farmers in the Central Highlands have massively tightened the coffee, cashew … switched to planting pepper, including many lands not suitable for this plant. More concerned is the same pepper Unknown sources can lead to the spread of disease, causing great damage.
According to a survey of the Department of Crop Production, currently, the average yield of pepper reduced to only 2.4 tons / ha (in 2010 reached 3-3.5 tons / ha). Dong Nai is an area of the province pepper The most planted area increased by 1,000 ha compared to 2011 but productivity decreased from 20.1 quintals / ha (in 2011) to 14 quintals / ha (in 2013). In Ba Ria – Vung Tau, productivity pepper on average, it also decreased by 1.4 quintals / ha, to only 17.2 quintals / ha. Disease situation on trees pepper still unregulated and at risk of more serious. According to the planning, the area pepper The whole country is 50,000ha, but so far the actual planted area has exceeded the planned figure, reaching over 60,000ha.
With the trend of people investing in the movement, it is easy to lose control of the supply and quality of products, while import markets require increasingly high quality standards. Therefore, experts believe that there should be a plan for sustainable production development. The abuse of chemical fertilizers, pesticides will affect food hygiene and safety of products and habitat of plants pepper. To avoid yield reduction, the risk of pests and diseases forced farmers to use more chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The vicious cycle goes on and on as a strong factor affecting production, processing and export activities of the industry pepper. Therefore, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development needs to take measures to control the planting situation pepper massively as it is now.
Be cautious in trading in the last 5 months of the year
The second paradox of the industry pepper That is, while the harvest output decreased, businesses massively exported in the first 7 months, causing the export price to decrease by 4%. The business said, pepper prices 2012-2013 season on the world market was affected by the increase in information due to speculators launching to squeeze prices. In fact, global pepper production was recorded at only 310,000 tons, down from the previous crop. Some industry experts pepper said that Vietnam needs to be very alert before “information” of speculators pepper international.
In Vietnam, the harvest year pepper starting from January to April every year, thus, there are 5 more months to go into the new harvest. As noted by VPA, pepper prices at exchanges in India and import prices of European and American markets are rising again. The reason is due to supply pepper The major production countries in the world such as Vietnam and India are not many. Meanwhile, the output of the growing countries pepper Other like Malaysia, Indonesia is not high.
VPA said that pepper prices will increase sharply in the coming time, because there are only about 15,000 tons in the country pepper inventory. Much inventory information fell sharply so foreign traders are pouring into Vietnam to buy. While the world demand is still increasing, the decreasing supply in many major producing countries will create unpredictable developments. This confirms, pepper prices The last months of the year will still be unexpected.
VPA recommends: Enterprises should be very careful in signing export contracts regarding quantity, delivery time, price, payment method … in order to avoid contracting, payment, leading to lawsuits that risks, losses often belong to Vietnam enterprises. Currently, foreign traders are increasing purchases pepper hoarding for speculation, so businesses should not rush to sign export contracts when there is no goods in hand, because if signed before buying later, the risk pepper prices will increase more than the price that businesses have signed export, easily leading to losses.
Follow: Zhou Khoi (KTNT)
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