The export market is quiet, VINACAS recommends

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According to Vietnambiz

According to statistics of the General Department of Customs, cashew exports in June reached nearly 60,000 tons, worth nearly $370 million, up 11% in volume and 14% in value compared to May.

Accumulated in the first 6 months of the year, cashew exports reached more than 273.5 thousand tons, equivalent to more than 1.6 billion USD, up nearly 22% in volume and 11% in export turnover over the same period in 2020. .

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Cashew export volume and value in the past year (Data: General Department of Customs, Chart: Hoang Anh)

Cashew export price in June reached nearly 6,290 USD/ton, unchanged compared to May and the same period in 2020.

Generally in the first 6 months of the year, the average export price of cashew nuts reached US$5,978/ton, down 10% over the same period last year.

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Average export price of cashew nuts over the months (Data: General Department of Customs, Chart: Hoang Anh)

Statistics from the General Department of Customs, Vietnam exports cashew nuts to more than 31 countries, but the export value to the US, China and the Netherlands accounts for the majority, with 56% of the total cashew export turnover.

Accumulated in the first 6 months, cashew exports to the US reached 83.5 thousand tons, equivalent to nearly 463 million USD, up 6% in volume, down 12% in value over the same period in 2020, accounting for nearly 28%. total cashew export turnover of the country.

Generally, in 6 months, cashew exports to China reached nearly 40,000 tons, equivalent to 292 million USD, up 63% in volume and 85% in value over the same period in 2020, accounting for 18% of total cashew exports. country.

Accumulated in the first 6 months, cashew exports to the Netherlands reached 33.5 thousand tons, equivalent to USD 168.5 million, up 17% in volume and down 13% in value over the same period in 2020, accounting for 10%. total cashew exports in the country.

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Cashew exports to the US, China accounted for 56% of total cashew exports (Data: General Department of Customs, Chart: Hoang Anh)

According to the Vietnam Cashew Association (VINACAS), the logistics situation is still a burden for businesses when the freight rates are still increasing, the lack of ships, the slow ships, causing many businesses to wait for nearly a month to export goods.

It is forecast that the cashew market will have many fluctuations due to the anxiety of both processors and exporters.

Therefore, enterprises need to follow the market closely, prepare appropriate production and business plans. In particular, it is necessary to have plans to deal with possible risks.

In particular, VINACAS recommends that in the context of the complicated developments of the COVID-19 epidemic in the Mekong Delta provinces, processing enterprises should not push up the price of raw cashew nuts because the risk will be great.

The price of cashew kernels has not been able to increase in time for many reasons such as high logistics charges, COVID-19 leading to difficulties in domestic transportation, scarcity of production tools, stagnation of processing plants, etc.

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