The European Commission suspends consideration of Metalaxyl residues imported into the EU until 2018

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As reported, after stopping the consideration of Metalaxyl residues on pepper imported into the EU in October 2016, in mid-December 2016, the European Commission continued to raise the issue and expected to double the level. Maximum allowable residues (MRLs) of Metalaxyl residues on pepper imported into the EU.

The latest information from the European Spices Association (ESA) on February 22, 2017 said that in response to the objection of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam, the Spices Board of the Government of India (ISB) and the European Spices Association (European Spices Association). ESA), the European Commission has reviewed the Draft New Regulations related to Metalaxyl on pepper and decided to suspend the review and wait for the outcome of the meeting of CODEX experts to re-evaluate, which is expected in time. 2018.

The EC also allows pepper-growing countries (Vietnam is the world’s largest producer) to submit information and data to JMPR (Joint FAO/WTO Meeting on Pesticide Residues) so that Codex experts can have more data. consider.

This is good news for the pepper industry, but in the long run, the strict problem of pesticide residues on pepper will always be posed by the import markets and thus for the Vietnamese pepper industry to truly With stable development in the coming time, there is no other way but to be more drastic in production, especially farmers and traders, collectors and temporary storage enterprises, etc. must have the same responsibility. , determined to change production and business methods in the direction of safety and quality, only then can we avoid the risk of devaluation, not being able to sell goods because of quality problems.

With Metalaxyl, farmers can have a wide selection of next-generation biopesticides with similar fungicidal effects as Metalaxyl. Farmers need to actively capture information through the agricultural extension system and pesticide sales agents in the area.

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