The advantage of pepper plants

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tie-cho-nang-suit-highThe pepper industry in our country is making spectacular progress, not only contributing to the economic growth of the country with a higher figure next year than the previous year, but also making an important contribution to the eradication of hunger and poverty. increase income for people in rural areas, especially in difficult areas such as the Central Highlands, the Southeast, the central provinces…

Vietnam’s pepper position has been confirmed by maintaining the world’s number one production and export record for 14 consecutive years. If in 2001, the export of pepper was just over 50,000 tons, reaching about 90 million USD, in 2014 it reached over 134,000 tons, worth 1 billion USD. Since 2008, the annual growth rate has reached 15% – 20%/year, far exceeding many countries with a long tradition of producing and exporting pepper. From a yield of less than 1 ton/ha, up to now, Vietnam’s pepper productivity has averaged from 2.3 to 2.5 tons/ha, the number of areas yielding 5-6 tons/ha has increased every year. products with the highest efficiency among the 5 perennial industrial crops of Vietnam. Although the area only accounts for 2.5% of the total 2 million hectares planted with perennial industrial crops, the export value is about 7,000 USD/ha, 2.6 times higher than coffee, 6 times more tea, 3.8 times more. cashew tree, 4 times more than rubber tree. The market share of Vietnam’s pepper imports into Europe currently accounts for 34%, Asia 36%, America 20% and Africa 10%.

Mr. Le Quoc Doanh – Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development said that Vietnamese pepper is present in more than 100 countries and territories. Vietnam has been the number 1 pepper exporting country in the world for 4 years now. In 2013, exports reached 132,000 tons, reaching 900 million USD; Particularly in the first 9 months of 2014, exports reached over 1 billion USD, the whole year is expected to reach 1.5 billion USD.

Participating in the pepper value chain in Vietnam, there are hundreds of enterprises, including enterprises supplying seeds, fertilizers and pesticides. Particularly, there are about 200 processing, trading and import-export enterprises, of which 15 are the leading exporters, accounting for 70% of the country’s export output. Especially, there are 5 FDI ​​enterprises accounting for nearly 30% of export market share. They are also pioneers in building an effective chain link model such as: directly with farmers to organize farming according to VietGap, IPCGap standards, etc. to produce organically for safe and quality products. quality, invest in advanced processing technology, penetrate directly into the high-end market. According to Mr. Do Ha Nam – Chairman of the Vietnam Pepper Association, it is these businesses that have stimulated other domestic enterprises to join in creating a movement to add value to Vietnamese pepper.

Enterprises strongly increased deep processing, gradually reduced raw export, diversified products according to market demand, for higher added prices. In the past 10 years, dozens of pepper processing factories with modern technology, with a capacity of 60-70 thousand tons/year, of which 14 pepper processing factories have met ASTA, ESA, JSSA standards…

In addition to the above advantages, Vietnamese pepper growers also have many advantages suitable for this crop, Mr. Do Ha Nam said that the outstanding characteristics of Vietnamese pepper farmers are very diligent and hardworking. Although most of them are not educated, they are smart, creative, and constantly learning. For example, they invented a way to use live pillars instead of cement, fertilize with irrigation, make their own white pepper machine…so production costs are reduced, productivity, quality, efficiency, and collection are improved. pick…

Farmers also have good knowledge and experience on market supply and demand, so they should use pepper as a currency and store it to market when the best price is available. From 2006 until now, Vietnamese pepper farmers have always been proactive in determining prices, keeping the market from being manipulated, and contributing to the world’s price regulation with businesses.

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