Introducing the article by Mr. Trinh Van Ba, an experienced pepper farmer in Ea K’Nop town, Ea Kar district, Dak Lak. The article is to share experiences of eliminating pepper root mealybugs over the years, which he has done very effectively for the community to refer. (post again)
Hello community Hello friends !
Peppercorn mealybugs are difficult to treat insects. It basically has the following properties:
– There is thick armor of wax, the medicine cannot stick
– Hidden under a soil layer, very difficult to detect
– Resistant to a lot of aphids
Therefore, mealybug becomes increasingly dangerous with pepper.
In this article I share with the community and you how kill pepper wax mealybugs mine. The method is very easy and simple, including 2 stages:
* The first stage (morning work of the day): find and remove mealybugs out of the living environment.
You may be using a small fry or a drip irrigation, but I recommend you use the traditional watering method many people are currently using – that is, a small one to kill mealybugs combined with garden irrigation (a couple of tasks). . Adjust the water pressure appropriately, pouring directly into the pepper root. If there is a mealybug it will come loose, both aphids and wax will white. Spray until you no longer see a mealybug from the base that breaks out, stop, move to another column. If there are no bugs, irrigate normally (remember to mark those with aphids to monitor).
You are assured with this method because it does not affect the health of pepper. While you use the tools to root to find mealybugs that are both slow and labor-consuming, both at the same time causing damage to pepper. Because how much more carefully still can not avoid causing root damage, scratching the root.
Note: with silk pepper, pepper at a few months of age need to adjust spray pressure moderate lest “Well known floating pepper bugs”
* The second stage (done immediately in the afternoon): treatment of pillars with mealybugs has been marked.
You will ask, “why not do it in the morning or the next morning?”. In my opinion, this time is very important. It is very decisive, you should note.
Aphids have been flushed out of the roots (which is where they live) and when the wax has been removed, it will make them hungry. Hunger will be weak, weak of course resistance will be poor. Now we can use pesticides to spray or water:
1. Dragon 585 EC, the drug consists of 2 active substances Cypermethrin and Chlorpyriphos Ethyl
2. Amitage 200 EC, the drug has 1 active substance Carbosulfan
Mix in the right ratio, spray thoroughly inside and outside the root, under the foliage near the root, or can irrigate (afternoon moisture in the soil is reasonable, not diluted medicine) for overnight to tomorrow bedbug have recovered, difficult to treat.
While the root of the aphid can be infested by harmful fungi, most of the fungi below the root are afraid of light. Be sure to add the appropriate fungicides to prevent, about a week after the second treatment to kill young aphids.
Dear community, friends! This approach I have done and perfected over 10 years ago, the effect is almost absolute. As for the room, there are many ways already on the forum. I have observed and observed in the backyard for many years without aphids. Is it because the pepper has been so old, or because I treat it three times a year to prevent rapid death and slow death but have a double effect. I dare not assert! But it is advisable to combine to reduce the cost of pesticides and labor.
Have a bit of experience opening up to the community and friends.
Happy community success !
Trinh Van Ba
Block 11, Town of Ea K’Nop, Ea Kar district, Dak Lak
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