Protecting autumn-winter rice in the rainy season

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Autumn-winter rice grows well

An Giang is one of the provinces in the Mekong Delta that sowed autumn-winter rice in 2021 quite late compared to some provinces in the region. Currently, the province’s autumn-winter rice tea is in the period of 15-45 days old, growing green, less pests and harmful brown planthoppers at low density compared to the same period last year. This is good news.

An Giang farmers take care of autumn-winter rice in 2021. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Le, Deputy Director of An Giang Plantation – Plant Protection Department said: In the 2021 autumn-winter rice crop, An Giang recommends the sowing time frame starting from July 15 to September 10. In the autumn-winter crop, sowing often falls in the weather with a lot of rain and floods, so it is difficult to produce. Besides, there are often some pests and diseases such as brown planthopper, onion mosquito, blast disease, leaf blight, seed smudging disease, etc.

In order for this rice crop to be successful, the agricultural sector focuses on recommending localities to apply scientific and technical measures such as “3 decrease, 3 increase” and “1 must 5 decrease”; apply the method of sowing sparsely with the recommended amount of seed from 80-100 kg/ha.

In particular, focus on implementing water saving solutions, promoting the application of ecological technology. Planting flowers on the edge of the field to attract beneficial natural enemies to minimize the use of pesticides in the first 40 days after sowing.

Strengthen propaganda and guide farmers to use pesticides according to the “4 right” principle, giving priority to the use of biological and organic fertilizers. It is recommended that farmers strengthen measures to help rice plants stay healthy such as micronutrient supplements, fertilizers containing calcium, silicon, etc. to help rice plants increase their natural resistance, in order to reduce costs and increase profits at the end of the crop.

Regarding the structure of rice varieties, Ms. Le added, autumn-winter rice is considered the third main rice crop of the year, so for many years, An Giang’s agricultural sector has always complied with the direction of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and encouraged Report localities in the province to use high quality rice varieties for production.

Currently, An Giang’s autumn-winter rice tea is in the period of 15-45 days old, growing green, less pests and harmful brown planthoppers compared to the same period last year. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

Up to now, each rice crop, farmers have more than 85% of the area cultivating high quality rice varieties, mainly rice varieties such as OM 9582, Dai Thom 8, OM 5451, OM 7347, OM 6976, OM 18, Jasmine 85, OM 9577, OM4900… These are rice varieties that have been purchased and ordered by domestic and foreign enterprises in the past time, such as Loc Troi Group Joint Stock Company, Tan Long Group, Tan Vuong Company.. .

In Tan Chau town (An Giang), at this time, farmers have basically finished harvesting the summer-autumn rice crop. In the autumn-winter crop of 2021, localities have sown more than 6,000 hectares, reaching a rate of more than 87%. Particularly in the dike area of ​​Tan An and Tan Thanh communes, more than 803ha of rice have been sown. Farmers said that rice is in the early stage, developing well. However, what farmers are most worried about is that the prices of input materials such as fertilizers and pesticides are still increasing, which will push up the production cost of this year’s autumn-winter crop.

In order to limit the impact in the context of high input prices, farmers here have promoted the application of technical advances to the fields such as implementing the program “1 must 5 reduce” and “3 reduce 3”. growing” or ecological model, planting flower fields to attract natural enemies and following the principle of “4 right” in production to reduce costs.

Mr. Truong Cong Binh from Tan An commune, Tan Chau town said: Currently, input material prices are high, so in the autumn-winter crop of 2021, his family promotes the application of the program “1 must 5 reduction”. , such as reducing the amount of sowing seeds, applying fertilizers in a balanced, scientific manner to help minimize costs. Currently, the situation of pests and diseases on autumn-winter rice in the locality is also better than the summer-autumn crop of 2021.

Farmers regularly check autumn-winter rice to actively prevent pests and diseases. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

In Kien Giang, up to now, farmers in the province have sown more than 89,300 hectares of autumn-winter rice crop 2021, exceeding 1,300 hectares compared to the striving plan. The districts that sow a lot of autumn-winter rice are Giong Rieng, Tan Hiep, Giang Thanh, Chau Thanh, Hon Dat, Go Quao and Rach Gia city. Currently, rice teas are developing well, mainly in the tillering, flowering and flowering – ripening stages.

In the past few days, the weather has been affected by heavy rain, so some pests have appeared on rice, farmers have difficulty in spraying pesticides due to prolonged continuous rain. Specifically, leaf rollers, leaf blight, leaf blast, cotton neck blast, seed smut… Pests and diseases appear scatteredly in most localities, with mild to moderate infection levels. In addition, there are other harmful objects such as rat bites, stem borers, onion mosquitoes… also appear and cause scattered damage to mild infections.

The Sub-Department of Crop Production – Plant Protection Kien Giang recommends that farmers visit the fields regularly to take care, detect pests in time and take effective preventive measures. It is forecasted that rice blast disease, leaf scorch, seed smudging, etc. will continue to develop and cause damage on rice tea in the period from flowering to ripening. Especially in fields with infected seeds such as OM18, OM5451, IR 50404, Dai Thom 8, OM 7347, heavy sowing, due to the influence of weather with heavy rain, intermittent sunshine and unreasonable use of fertilizers…

Perfecting the dyke for sure

In the autumn-winter rice crop of 2021, An Giang has sown over 160,000 hectares, located in 699 sub-regions with dykes to control floods, is considered the largest rice production area in the Mekong Delta, expected to produce over 1 million tons of rice. .

Luong Huy Khanh, Head of An Giang Irrigation Sub-Department, said: In order to produce a safe autumn-winter rice crop in the rainy season, the province recommends that farmers only sow seeds in flood control plots and zoning down. seeds to have drainage area, flood drainage, reduce pressure on the dike system.

Right from the beginning of the crop, the An Giang irrigation sector has made plans to proactively respond to the rising water caused by high tides and situations of rain, thunderstorms and whirlwinds in the rainy and stormy season, affecting rice production in autumn and winter. .

Faced with the high price of agricultural inputs, many farmers have promoted the application of technical advances to the field such as “1 must 5 decrease” and “3 decrease 3 increase”… to reduce costs. Photo: Le Hoang Vu.

At the same time, in combination with the provincial agricultural sector, the province regularly monitors closely, proactively takes measures and effective response plans, ensuring safe production and people’s daily life in the rainy and flood season.

In addition, the areas of the dike are not safe or outside the dike, An Giang recommends not to let people sow seeds, but to discharge floods for 26 sub-regions of about 70,000 hectares in districts such as Tri Ton, Chau Phu, town, etc. Tan Chau, Tinh Bien, Phu Tan communes…

Since the beginning of the year, An Giang Irrigation Sub-Department has dredged a total of 144 works, with a length of more than 194 km, a volume of 380,314m3, with a cost of nearly 59 billion VND. At the same time, reinforcing the dike embankment with a total of 180 works, nearly 88 km in length, 26,489m3 in volume, with a cost of more than 176 billion VND. Still maintaining and repairing sewers with a total of 85 works, length of 3,494m…

In Hau Giang province, Ms. Nguyen Thi Giang, deputy director of the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, said: Up to this point, farmers in the province have basically finished seeding the area of ​​autumn-winter 2021 rice with the planned area. is 36,000 ha. Currently, the rice tea is in the stage of seedling to flowering – ripening.

In order to protect agricultural production against adverse weather events and adverse impacts of climate change, Hau Giang province has prioritized investment in many urgent projects and projects to prevent landslides. , completing irrigation systems, multi-purpose reservoirs for disaster prevention and control. Specifically, up to now, there have been 16 key projects invested by the province, helping to improve production efficiency and protect people’s lives in the area.

The agricultural sector of Hau Giang also encourages farmers to implement crop rotation solutions on rice land, helping to prevent the spread and persistence of harmful organisms in the soil. Promote cooperation and production links associated with commodity rice consumption, contributing to creating favorable output and increasing income for farmers.

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