Peppercorns White Whole
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Peppercorns White Whole:
Maybe you have a white pepper bottle but rarely use it. Then do not overlook the important information about nutrition, effects, use and awareness of the pepper.
In many families, the corner of the kitchen is a place to store a lot of spices, dry foods, dishes. But many of us are having so few experiences using them, even we may forget it until it is overdue or damaged.
If your kitchen cabinet has a white pepper, please refer to this article for immediate use, you may be thinking why you waste your white pepper jar? .
Peppercorns White Whole
White pepper is also known as cumin, white pepper is a creeper in the family Pepper, mainly for fruit and seeds, often used as a dry or fresh seasoning. . Pepper is the national flower of Liberia.
Wake up to the forgotten white pepper jar in the corner of the kitchen with helpful medicinal remedies.
What is the nutritional value of peppercorns white whole?
1, The main ingredient of pepper is Piperine, while also containing a certain amount of aromatic oils, crude protein, starch and dissolved nitrogen … These substances work to remove the smell of fish, deodorant, Fat in the food, which supports the activity of digestive function.
Not only that, the delicious taste of essential oil in white pepper works to clear the stomach, help increase appetite, promote appetite.
2, According to Oriental medicine, peppercorns white whole is warm, has the effect of warming the stomach, clearing the cold from the inside.
People who have cold stomach disease, or colds that cause abdominal pain, diarrhea or intestinal diseases, should take advantage of the warming effect of white pepper to improve the condition.
White pepper due to the warmth, can help sweat excretion, the treatment of diseases caused by welding.
3, Dishes with added white pepper are not easily damaged, indicating that pepper acts as a good antiseptic and antibacterial agent, while white pepper can also help in detoxification. Foods like meat, shrimp and fish if they contain toxins.
4, Peppercorns while whole is also rich in vitamin C, even more than tomatoes. Half a cup of green, yellow or red pepper will provide over 230% of the calcium requirement per day per person.
5, In pepper have 1.2-2% of essential oils, 5-9% of piperine and 2.2-6% of chanvixin. Piperine and chanvixin are two types of alkaloid that have a spicy taste that makes the pepper taste spicy. There are 8% fat, 36% starch and 4% ash.
Who should not eat white pepper whole?
Most people can eat white pepper.
The following people should be more careful when eating, or avoid eating: People with peptic ulcer, bloody cough, hemorrhoids, pharyngitis, patients with eye diseases.
Wake up to a remodeled white pepper vial in the corner of the kitchen with helpful medicinal remedies – Picture 4.
How to use white pepper?
1, Both black pepper and peppercorns white whole should not be cooked at high temperatures, just add pepper to the dish when cooked and prepare to turn off the kitchen down, or before serving food add the island pepper.
2, Because the pepper is hot spicy, after eating into very easily make the body increase oxygen, warm people warm up. Therefore, it is best not to eat too much, so it is best to keep between 0.3 – 1 grams.
3, People with cold pneumonia should cook goat meat with white pepper to warm the lungs and eliminate phlegm.
4, Some people tend to have abdominal pain due to stomach and intestinal cold caused. In this case can be cooked meat, then add the medicinal herbs, ginseng, then add a little white pepper. This dish not only removes cold in the body but can also play a role in warming the spleen and stomach.
5, Normal to eat the cold salad, it is best to add a little white pepper powder, help the body to cool down and prevent colds.
6, Pepper is also rich in antioxidants, such as beta carotene, which boosts the immune system and prevents the destruction of cells, causing cancer and heart disease.
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