The increasingly complex climate change leads to more diseases on crops. Especially, for pepper plants, which are considered the most demanding industrial plants, they are very susceptible to pests and diseases.
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Although pepper has a high price, bringing great economic benefits to farmers, the care and prevention techniques for pests and diseases are also more complicated than that of many other industrial crops such as tea, coffee, and rubber. … In order to help people have good knowledge about the care and prevention of pests and diseases for crops in general, invites you to consult the guide to preventing diseases and pests of pepper plants. :

Model of organic pepper production in Dak Lak
Pepper is a crop adapted to scattered light conditions. In order for the plant to grow well, it is necessary to have a permanent shade tree for pepper throughout the growing period. Shade is the regulation mechanism that helps the plant to bear fruit. The soil for growing pepper needs to have appropriate moisture and good drainage in the rainy season. Some pepper growers do not understand the characteristics of this crop, so they plant it without shade and in low-lying areas that are often flooded when it rains.
Harmful diseases often appear on pepper plants such as yellow leaf disease, slow death, rapid death, stem rot, fungal diseases, mealybugs, nematodes and many other dangerous diseases that cause great damage to pepper plants. economy. To prevent these diseases, here are some things to keep in mind:
Regularly visit the pepper garden so that when the disease has just appeared the symptoms of the disease such as yellowing of leaves, leaf blight, curling of leaves, spots on leaves, waterlogging, harmful pests… more than
Pepper is a crop that is very sensitive to climate change. So is the soil environment, long-term dry sun or erratic rain also greatly affects the yield of pepper plants.
Always remember the principle that prevention is better than cure. Because when diseases appear, farmers have to spray or find other methods of eradication, but the success rate is still limited, greatly affecting the yield of pepper.
When using pesticides to handle plants, people should pay attention to the following issues:
- Granular or powdered drugs should be spread evenly around the canopy.
- Spread only when the soil is relatively moist, not when the soil is dry.
- Diluted drugs for root irrigation need to follow the ratio of professional instructions or instructions for use clearly indicated on the package.
In particular, to prevent the rapid death of Phytophthora sp., which is often caused in the rainy season, the best measure is still to prevent the disease by using antagonistic fungi trichoderma. Notice how to avoid the following:
- Prune shade trees during the rainy season, preferably right after the pepper plants enter the seed.
- Review the drainage system to avoid waterlogging
- Use antagonistic fungi trichoderma to prevent disease at least 3 times/year, at the beginning, middle and end of the rainy season. When there is an outbreak of disease in the locality, it is necessary to add 1 more reinforcement.
- Be careful when you want to multiply the antagonistic fungal biomass because it will reduce the efficiency, otherwise you will not be sure that you will successfully multiply the biomass.
In case the disease has caused damage, causing green leaf drop, many rotten spots appear on the leaf surface. She also used pesticides to kill the disease according to the treatment suggested as follows:
- Using mixed drugs, with 2 active ingredients Mancozeb + Metalaxyl 72WP. Depending on the severity of the disease, at least 1 rooting and spraying 2 times in a row.
- Considering the disease has not decreased, or if necessary, you can root and spray the leaves one more time. Note that the isolation time between 2 drugs is up to 7 days, if it is longer, the effectiveness will be low.
- Note, during the treatment period, absolutely do not use any other medicine. Also do not arbitrarily mix more fertilizers, which will reduce the effectiveness. It even makes the disease worse.
Currently, the market appears as a treatment for plants using antagonistic and useful groups of microorganisms, notably the group of microorganisms. Streptomyces antibiotic bacteria. Please consider carefully to use.
We hope that the above sharing will contribute to supporting pepper growers in the face of increasingly complex and unpredictable climate change that causes epidemics to spread like today. is ready to share care and disease prevention with farmers. Please submit a request using the contact section located at the top of the page.
Note: The article has been updated.