Phu Quoc pepper has a brand

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Phu Quoc currently has more than 700 pepper growing households, with an output of over 700 tons/year. Growers earn a profit of 36-48 million VND/ha.

The Department of Science and Technology (Science and Technology) of Kien Giang province has just held a ceremony to award the certificate of collective trademark of Phu Quoc pepper to the Phu Quoc Pepper Association.

Up to now, Phu Quoc district has a total of 717 pepper growing households with an area of ​​300 ha. Every year, each hectare of pepper has a yield of 3-3.5 tons, the output is about 700 tons. With an average selling price of over 120,000 VND/kg, growers earn a profit of 36-48 million VND/ha.

In the past time, implementing Decision 68/2005/QD-TTg dated 5/5/2005 of the Government on the program to support the development of intellectual property of enterprises, the Department of Science and Technology of Kien Giang province implemented implementing the project “Intellectual development in Kien Giang province for the period 2006-2010” to support businesses, organizations and individuals to protect intellectual property rights.

For Phu Quoc pepper, the Department of Science and Technology of Kien Giang province has been carrying out two scientific projects, namely researching and building a pepper production model with GlobalGAP certification and applying science and technology to build a model. drip irrigation for pepper plants in Cua Duong commune.

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