The price of buckets of pepper in Chu Se and Gia Lai has reached 110,000 VND / kg and in Chau Duc, Ba Ria-Vung Tau is 112,000 VND / kg – unexpected prices because of rising too fast.
At the end of the trading session on April 8, on Kochi-India, the price of pepper increased sharply by 545 rupees to Rs 26,815 per 100 kg, equivalent to an increase of USD 121, to USD 5,951 per ton, for a month term. 5. This is the ending session with a strong increase.
Thus, in just 1 week, from April 1 to April 8, the price of pepper on the world market has increased to a total of 261 USD / ton, accounting for 4.8%.
Developments in the world market showed that the export price of pepper became hotter than ever, prompting the price of buckets of pepper in major producing countries to grow rapidly. However, the uneven growth of each country also reflects the impact of the world pepper market on each domestic market is also different.
According to the author's own survey in each domestic market, on 4/4, was recorded. Farmers in Tamataka and Kerala, key pepper growing areas of India, sell at a price of just over 3 USD / kg. In Indonesia, pepper prices in Lampung and Sarawak areas, farmers also sold at 38,500 Rupiah / kg, or about 4,450 USD / ton. In Brazil at the same time, domestic price of pepper was stable at 7.75 Real / kg, or about 4,800 USD / ton. Meanwhile, in Chu Se, Gia Lai is priced at VND 101,000 / kg and in Ba Ria-Vung Tau is VND 103,000 / kg.
By the afternoon of April 8, when it was reported that Chinese traders had come to the garden house “money to give porridge”, the price of buckets of pepper in Chu Se and Gia Lai rose to 110,000 VND / kg and in Chau Duc, Ba. Ria-Vung Tau is 112,000 VND / kg, at a price that no one expected to rise so fast.
Meanwhile, the export price of white pepper in Ba Ria-Vung Tau is VND 125-130,000 / kg and red pepper, the specialty pepper, is VND 165-170,000 / kg.
By the end of the first quarter, the Vietnam Pepper Association has forecast that the price of pepper can be up to 120,000-130,000 VND / kg and the price of export pepper can be up to 8,000 USD / ton.
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