According to statistics of the Import-Export Department (Ministry of Industry and Trade), Vietnam currently has about 100,000 ha of pepper for harvest with an average yield of 24.7 quintals / ha, equivalent to an output of about 247,000 tons.
However, while pepper prices remained low, pepper production costs soared, about 10% compared to 2017.
According to an evaluation by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, in 2018, the fall in pepper prices has affected the pepper industry in Vietnam, in the coming time, pepper exports will continue to face difficulties due to low prices. low when supply is greater than demand and the competition is fierce in the world market.
Currently, the demand of pepper in the world is about 510,000 tons / year, the average annual increase is only 2-3%, while the world pepper output increases by 8-10%. In 2018, the global pepper output will reach 557,000 tons, and it is expected to reach 602,000 tons by the end of 2019.
It is forecasted that by 2050, world pepper production will increase to 1 million tons and demand for world pepper will increase, but not in balance with the supply. Therefore, pepper prices may remain unstable for a while longer.
In the context that pepper exports continue to face many difficulties and great competitive pressures, Free Trade Agreements such as CPTPP and EVFTA are considered as opportunities to expand exports for the pepper industry.
The Import-Export Department stated that, in order to make good use of the benefits that FTAs bring, businesses need to actively seek information about the Agreements in order to firmly grasp commitments between Vietnam and partner markets, especially These are information on tariff preferences, quality requirements, and rules of origin.
In addition, in order to raise the selling price of pepper, the pepper industry needs to innovate its growth model, focusing on quality right from the raw material stage to create high-quality products and can penetrate difficult markets. calculated in the world.