Yesterday (August 15), Chu Se Pepper Association (Gia Lai province) held the third congress of delegates (term 2022-2027).
During the last term, the Chu Se Pepper Association has worked closely with the Department of Science and Technology, relevant ministries and agencies to promote the collective brand of Chu Se Pepper. As a result, up to now, the Chu Se pepper brand has received protection in 7 countries, including: Belgium, Germany, USA, Netherlands, Luxembourg, China, Singapore. In addition, the Association has completed the procedures and is waiting for India to grant protection. Especially, on December 27, 2021, the National Office of Intellectual Property (Ministry of Science and Technology) certified the registration of Chu Se GI for pepper products. Currently, there are 3 units using the collective mark of Chu Se pepper on product packaging and finished products.
Launching the new Executive Board of Chu Se Pepper Association. Photo: Quang Tan |
In the term of 2022-2027, the Association determined to focus on training, guiding, organizing front-end seminars… for members on sustainable pepper farming techniques. At the same time, focus on promoting the Chu Se pepper brand on the mass media; conduct stamping, geographical indication labels of Chu Se Pepper for products and goods to enhance the value, protect and monopolize the Chu Se pepper brand worldwide. In particular, continue to maintain traditional markets, promote trade promotion into large and fastidious markets such as the US, EU, Japan and actively seek new markets…
The Congress elected the Executive Committee of Chu Se Pepper Association, term III (term 2022-2027), consisting of 23 people. Mr. Nguyen Dung – Vice Chairman of Vietnam Association of Farms and Agricultural Enterprises was elected to hold the position of Chairman of the new Chu Se Pepper Association.
According to Gia Lai Newspaper