Accordingly, some key contents in this Decision need to be noted:
1. New regulations on Prior Notice and Notification of Non-Compliance for companies exporting to the country of origin, applicable to the following products: animals and animal products, fish and fish products; plants and plant products. Exporting enterprises shall declare according to the form (in Decision No. 09/2024): Prior Notice according to form (K.1.2) and Notification of Non-Compliance according to form (K-7.4/ if the product is subject to declaration). To declare Prior Notice (required for all animal products and animal products, fish and fish products; plants and plant products), enterprises access then register an account with the Indonesian Quarantine Agency and declare according to the form.
2. Required quarantine documents required for export products before goods are exported to Indonesia (Appendix II in Decision 09/2024).
3. Sample quarantine documents issued by the Indonesian Quarantine Agency for Indonesian export products (forms in Decision 09/2024): Animal Health Certificate (KH-1), Sanitary Certificate of Animal Products (KH-2), Health Certificate for Fish and Fish Products (KI-1), Phytosanitary Certificate (KT- 1), Phytosanitary Certificate for re-export (KT-2), and Certification for Export of Processed Product/Non-Regulated Article (KT-4).
The Vietnam Trade Office in Indonesia recommends that businesses exporting related products from Vietnam to Indonesia carefully read and follow the instructions in Decision 09/2024 to avoid congestion at Indonesian ports due to failure to comply with Indonesia’s new quarantine regulations.
See details here