Last week, due to tightening supply situation has caused pepper prices Hot spot spot. Domestic dealers have begun to price subsidies and, therefore, may see an explosion in spot pepper demand.
Need pepper The domestic market has increased dramatically as federal agents have directly purchased cash and done it on the premises, from the primary market to farmers in Idukki and Wayanad districts, in Kerala state.
Leading exporters reported buying pepper in Rajkumari (Idukki) for Rs 350 a kg while pepper in the mountains was bought at Rs 347 / kg.
Pepper tight availability coupled with good buying support has pushed up the local market price. Small and medium pepper oil manufacturers in northern India bought very strongly after the rainy season began.
In April, national importers reported importing 1,500 tons pepper from Vietnam, and shipped 12,000 tons of pepper in May.
Battery from Pulpally and Battery of Wayanad district is offered at Rs 340 / kg. Karnataka pepper was quoted at Rs 335 a kg and the seller was offered pepper prices lower grade at Rs 331 a kg.
Buyers continue to fall due to the rains in the growing areas pepper major in Kerala. Shipments from Karnataka also dropped, market sources said. Due to the summer rains in Kerala should pepper with high humidity up to 13.5%.
All weekend contracts on the IPSTA increased significantly. June, July and August contracts increased by Rs 569, Rs 451 and Rs 612 respectively, closing on Saturday, June 8, at Rs 35,919 a quintal, Rs 35,974 a quintal and Rs 36,250 a quintal. equivalent to USD 6,294 / ton, USD 6,304 / ton and USD 6,352 / ton). (1 USD = 57,065 Rupees)
Total turnover decreased by 156 tons to 303 tons. Total open interest dropped by 1 ton to 28 tons.
Spot price increased by Rs 200, to close at Rs 33,900 / quintal (equivalent to US $ 5,941 / ton) for the bucket and Rs 35,400 / quintal (equivalent to US $ 6,203 / ton) for the MG1 selected type due to good support purchase. .
Indian parity in the international market is at USD 6,450 per tonne (c & f) for June shipment to Europe and USD 6,650 per tonne (c & f) for US shipment. Pepper prices Malabar is equivalent to pepper Vietnam today, the export source said.
Pepper prices India has fallen despite an increase in the futures market due to the weakening Rupee against the USD.
Source Giacaphe.vn
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