(November 8) – Both futures and spot markets continued to pick up yesterday, Thursday, on an uptrend along with tight supply amid tight demand. .
Domestic traders have bought from the threshold of the primary market agent with prices on the futures market. Besides, consumers in the consumer market are also looking for pepper to buy but do not need an invoice, these factors have supported the price increase.
While the report in Karnataka is now empty, the number of visitors from major markets continues to Kerala and there is very little showing a persistent supply tightening scenario, market sources said. Business Line .
On the spot market, only 7 tons of farm grade pepper are delivered and 5 tons of the line are priced at Rs 467 – Rs 470 per kg depending on the quality, production area, etc.
Meanwhile, there were buyers on the IPSTA floor at Rs 480 per kg for November and December contracts but no sellers. On NMCE, November and December contracts increased by Rs 323 and Rs 328 to Rs 48,050 / quintal and Rs 48,000 / quintal (equivalent to US $ 7,697 / ton and US $ 7,689 / ton). (1 USD = Rs 62,4239)
Spot prices increased by Rs 500 to Rs 46,700 a quintal (US $ 7,481 per tonne) for pint and 48,700 Rs / quintal (US $ 7,801 per ton) for the selected type, thanks to strong demand in the context. Stock availability continues to be tightened.
Indian parity in the international market is priced at USD 8,300 per tonne (c & f) in Europe and USD 8,600 per tonne for the US and is still slightly higher than that of other origins.
Pepper prices from other origins, with the exception of Brazil, were reported to be stable.
Source Giacaphe.vn
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