The price of pepper decreased due to a lack of buyers to support in the context of limited supply on Friday 12/7.
Available pepper is tight and has high prices, small and medium sized masala producers here and abroad are seeking lower-density pepper, market sources said.
On the spot, 5 tons of pepper were delivered and 7 tons of this type were traded at an average price of Rs 385 / kg.
On NMCE, July, August and September contracts dropped by Rs 468, Rs 50 and Rs 307 respectively, to Rs 40,200, Rs 40,580 and Rs 40,150 (USD 6,740 / ton, respectively). , 6,804 USD / ton and 6,732 USD / ton). (1 USD = 59.6419 Rupees)
Total open interest increased by 5 tonnes to 111 tonnes. Total turnover increased by 14 tonnes to 47 tonnes.
Spot prices of pepper remained unchanged at Rs 38,500 / quintal (equivalent to US $ 6,455 / ton) for un-graded grades and at Rs 40,500 / quintal (US $ 6,791 / ton) for MG1 selected grade.
Indian parity in the international markets is at USD 7,000 per tonne (c & f) delivered to Europe and USD 7,250 per tonne (c & f) for the US and still higher than that of other origins.
The price of black pepper from overseas markets is: Vietnam, Asta grade 6,650 USD / ton (c & f) New York; Brazil type B1 560 Gr / l at 6,450 USD / tonne (FOB); Sri Lanka grade 525 Gr / l: 5,875 – 5,900 USD / ton (FOB) and Indonesia type 500 Gr / l at 6,050 USD / ton (FOB).
Source BusinessLine / Giacaphe.vn
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