Pepper oleoresin is a concentrate obtained through the extraction of black pepper using organic solvents such as acetone, ethanol, ethylene dichloride, ethyl acetate and other organic solvents.
Read more: >> Pepper essential oil
Pepper oleoresin is composed of a mixture of pepper oil, tree sap and alkaloid compounds that play a role in the spicy level of oleoresin. As a concentrated pepper, one kg of oleoresin can replace the use of 10 kg of pepper as a flavor in the food processing industry. Oleoresin is used as a flavor in food processing industries such as canned meat, sauces, soft drinks, pharmaceutical ingredients, cosmetic and perfume industries, sugar and bread industries, and other industries. .
The use of oleoresin is preferred for the food industry because it has a specific flavor and aroma. Other advantages, oleoresin is more effective in transportation and storage, can standardize use, is free of contamination, has a long shelf life and does not affect the appearance and weight of the product. Although there are many advantages, but oleoresin has a very thick form so it is very sticky and difficult to accurately weigh. It is also difficult to disperse when mixed dry. Flavor stability is not good when long storage and solvent residues remain. The characteristic flavor of oleoresin may be altered or lost due to storage or processing. Therefore, oleoresin needs special treatment during storage to avoid the effects of heat, light, oxygen and moisture. One of the many technologies developed to minimize oloresin's disadvantages is microcyst technology.
As the leading producer of oleoresin pepper, in 2016 India exported 1,016,698 kg of oleoresin worth US $ 59.7 million. The export price of oleoresin from India in 2016 was reported at the highest level in September of 59 USD / kg, while the lowest price was reported in February at 49 USD / kg. The average export price in 2016 was reported at USD 53 / kg.
In 2017, India exported 1,321,211 kg of oleoresin with a total value of USD 64 million, recording an increase of 18% in volume and 7% in value. The export price of oleoresin from India in 2017 was reported at the highest level in January of 59 USD / kg, and the lowest price in December was 41 USD / kg, while the average export price was reported. at 49 USD / kg. However, based on these reported data, the average export price of oleoresin from India in 2017 decreased by 8% from the previous year.
In the first 9 months of 2018, India exported 1,006,027 kg of oleoresin with a total value of USD 41.7 million. Compared to the same period last year, oleoresin exports from India in 2018 increased by 6% in volume but decreased by 18% in value. The average export price in 2018 (as of September) was reported the highest in May at US $ 47 / kg, the lowest price in September at US $ 34 / kg and the average export price in 9 months Early 2018 was reported at 40 USD / kg. Based on these reporting data, the average export price of oleoresin from India during this period was down 25% and 18% compared to the same period of 2016 and 2017.
As of September 2018, 10 countries importing India's oleoresin in large quantities were the United States 276,979 kg, followed by Germany 128,982 kg, France 74,764 kg, China 66,264 kg, the Netherlands 55,175 kg, Thailand 48,941 kg. kg, United Kingdom 47,963 kg, Philippines 36,935 kg, Canada 34,411 kg and Russian Federation 31,147 kg.
Mai Vy (follow IPC)
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