Goods related to deforestation are banned from being imported into the EU

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In the article “Parliament adopts new law to fight global deforestation” (rough translation: Parliament passes new law to combat global deforestation) on EP’s website (, the products are subject to The provisions of the new law are: Cattle meat, cocoa, coffee, palm oil, soybeans, wood (including products containing, raised with or created from such products such as such as: leather, chocolate, furniture), printing paper, rubber, charcoal from countries around the world.

Products belonging to the above group of goods, if related to deforestation, will be banned from being imported into the EU.

The EP said that to fight climate change and protect biodiversity, the new law obliges companies to ensure products sold in the European Union (EU) do not lead to deforestation and degradation. forest.

Although the law is not targeted at any country, companies will only be allowed to sell products in the EU if the supplier makes a statement confirming the product does not come from deforested land or has resulted in forest degradation, including primary forests that cannot be replaced, after December 31, 2020.

As required by the EP, companies will also have to verify their products comply with relevant laws of the country of manufacture, including human rights and the rights of affected indigenous peoples.

EU authorities will carry out checks according to the exporting country’s risk rating. Violating companies will be severely fined, with fines of up to 4% of annual turnover in an EU member state.

The EP’s website, citing information from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), said that between 1990 and 2020, up to 420 million hectares (larger than the area of ​​the EU) were converted from forest land to agricultural purposes. Karma. EU consumption (related products) accounts for about 10% of global deforestation, of which palm oil and soybeans account for two-thirds of this.

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