Total imports of eight pepper consuming countries were recorded at 15,503 tons by the end of 2020, according to reports BusinessLine.

Brazilian farmers on pepper plantations in Espírito Santos
Global pepper production in the past 10 years has increased 72%, to 561,500 tonnes from 234,418 tonnes in 2010. However, in the past year it has only increased by 1% compared to 2019.
Vietnam contributes 43% of the global pepper production. Ms. Hoang Thi Lien, Executive Director of the International Pepper Community (IPC), said that Brazil has overtaken Indonesia to become the second largest pepper producer with an output of 80,000 tons in 2019. Production increased in Brazil. mainly due to the expansion of pepper plantations in the state of Espirito Santos.
Average pepper productivity in producing countries in the period 2010 – 2020 has many changes; recorded an uptrend in 2011 and 2012, while a decline in the following two years. However, in 2017 and 2018 there was a tendency to increase again, with average yield increasing by 20% and 19%, respectively, according to Ms. Lien at the International Spices Symposium organized by the Association. Organized Indian spices.
In 11 years, Cambodia achieved the highest yield with 3,740 kg / ha in 2012. In 2020, the average yield in the producing countries is estimated at 1,594 kg / ha, an increase of 30% or 365 kg / ha compared to the year 2010.

Indian farmers often intercrop pepper in coffee plantations
In the period 2010 – 2020, pepper exports from producing countries increased by an average of 6% annually and the highest reported growth rate was 19% in 2017. In 2020, Vietnam exported 285,292 tons, accounting for 59% share of global pepper exports, followed by Brazil with 18% with 89,756 tons and Indonesia with 11% with 51,718 tons. India exported only 15,924 tons.
In terms of imports, Ms. Lien said that the market share of imports in the period 2014 – 2020 was mainly Vietnam, India and China. As of July 2020, China imported 42,997 tons, Vietnam imported 39,846 tons. India imported for the whole year 2020 is 24,805 tons.
Also as of July 2020, China accounted for 16% of the global import market share and became the second largest importer after the US, while the US accounted for 28% of the global import market share.
English (from BusinessLine)