Recently, the Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry issued Notice No. 115-2023: updating the requirements for phytosanitary certificates for imported goods.
This notice complements notices 02-2023 and notices 93-2023 by clarifying Australia’s import requirements for stamped/or digitally signed phytosanitary certificates. QR code or web link for online verification.
Accordingly, the Australian Department of Agriculture accepts phytosanitary certificates as originals, certified copies of phytosanitary certificates (in paper or pdf copies) with full date, signed and stamp.
A phytosanitary certificate without an ink signature, a printed signature, a wet seal or a printed seal must meet the following 4 criteria:
Firstly, a seal or logo on the document of the Plant Protection Department of the exporting country (Vietnam is the Plant Protection Department – Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development).
Second, an electronic signature/or a notification by the competent authority of the exporting country that the phytosanitary certificate is electronically signed/approved.
Third, a QR code or web link allows online verification of this document.
Fourth, the electronic phytosanitary certificate provided must be confidential and through a government-to-government digital exchange agreement, known as “ePhyto/eCert”. It was not until May 2023 that Australia had a digital exchange agreement with New Zealand in import clearance.