According to the large-scale pepper traders in the southern provinces, the price of black pepper in the domestic market in the early days of the week inched up to VND 1,000 / kg but then returned to stand at the level of 10 days ago and continue to suffer “auntie” by import pepper prices.
However, the pressure of imported pepper price usually does not last too long, only about 2 weeks due to the volume of goods delivered to the ship from both Vietnamese pepper exporters and FDI exporting enterprises. . While in recent years the volume of pepper imported from other producing countries, including member countries and non-members of the IPC organization, fluctuated between 20,000 and 30,000 tons per year.
According to observers of the world pepper market, this volume of imported pepper is equivalent to the volume of unofficial exports to China, including the number not counted by our Customs and the number for demand. domestic consumption. Therefore, it is estimated that the total output of our country's farmers who have harvested the crop of 200,000 tons of pepper has not been a great pressure on exporters.
Preliminary data of the Customs sector show that in the first 4 months of 2018, our country exported a total of 86,849 tons of pepper of all kinds, with a value of $ 307.14 million. Obviously this is not a pressure on quantity, while the price is still ahead.
According to the World Pepper Community (IPC) market data, last week pepper prices in some markets such as Kochi – India, Sarawak – Malaysia decreased slightly while pepper prices in Vietnam dropped significantly, to around 7. %. In contrast, in Indonesia and Sri Lanka, prices were relatively stable. However, at USD exchange rate, prices in Indonesia decreased while in Sri Lanka increased slightly.
According to traders in Karnataka, the price of pepper offered at the farm gate is currently between Rs 34,500 and Rs 35,000 per quintal (USD 5,086 – 5,160 per tonne), while the price of pepper has been preliminarily processed at factories. Kerala processing is priced at Rs 37,500 / quintal (equivalent to US $ 5,529 / ton). However, there are some opinions that the price of pepper at this level is mixed with imported pepper, while Indian pepper farmers do not want to sell at this level.
The price of Brazilian black pepper delivered at Victoria port decreased to US $ 3,000 – 3,050 / ton for grade B – Asta and US $ 2,950 / ton for B1 (FOB). Vietnamese black pepper grade at 500 Gr / l offered at US $ 2,700 / ton and 550 Gr / l grade at US $ 3,000 / ton (FOB-HCM), down by US $ 200-250 / ton from the previous week.
It is expected that domestic pepper price will remain at low level until demand for processing of white pepper increases and especially the pressure of imported pepper will decrease in the next 2 weeks.
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