Light pepper with a weight of less than 450 Gr / l is bought at a higher price of 3-4,000 VND / kg because of high demand while the price of white pepper at the processing factory is 180-182,000 VND / kg.
Consecutive 2 trading sessions at the beginning of the week, futures price on NCDEX at Kochi-India plummeted. Delivery for October, November and December decreased by Rs 740, Rs 800 and Rs 825 to Rs 42,920 / quintal, Rs 42,785 / quintal and Rs 42,445 / quintal, respectively, USD 8,111 / ton, USD 8,085 / ton and USD 8,021 / ton. (1 USD = Rs 52,9170)
Although the price on the floor dropped sharply, but because the Rupee strengthened, the exchange rate in USD almost changed slightly. Therefore, Indian pepper price remained at a very high level.
Spot pepper prices decreased by Rs 400 to Rs 40,100 a quintal (USD 7,578 per tonne) for un-graded and Rs 41,600 a quintal (USD 7,861 per ton) for MG1 selected.
Indian special pepper on the international market today is US $ 8,500 per tonne (C&F) for European goods and US $ 8,800 per tonne (C&F) for shipments to the US, still much higher than the prices of origins. other origin.
While the Singapore Mercantile Exchange (SMX) continues to freeze, there is no volume traded.
It is expected that pepper consumption in India in the short term will increase sharply due to the purchase demand in preparation for the Diwali festival and the winter will be implemented soon. In addition, this is the time when the pepper mill industry will make purchases.
On Wednesday, October 17, the price of black pepper at Ba Ria – Vung Tau stood at 124-125 thousand VND / kg, in Dong Nai – Binh Phuoc 123 thousand VND / kg and the Central Highlands provinces were 122-123,000 VND / kg. kg. Domestic black pepper prices eased by an average of VND 8,000 / kg, or 6.45% in the past half month.
Vietnam's black pepper for export grade of 500 Gr / l-FAQ was offered at US $ 6,600 / ton and 550 Gr / l-FAQ grade was offered at US $ 6,800 / ton, down by US $ 100. White pepper of grade 630 Gr / l-FAQ was offered at USD 9,600 / ton and DW 630 Gr / l-grade at USD 10,100 / ton, an increase of USD 200. However, importers are still seeking, offering low-density black pepper with more volume.
According to traders, light buckets with a weight of less than 450 Gr / l were sought for more than 3-4,000 VND / kg to match because of high demand. While white pepper is priced at a processing factory of VND 180-182,000 / kg, the demand from export trading companies is very weak.
News from key growing areas in the Central Highlands and Southeast said that after a long period of typhoons, the phenomenon of pepper disease has increased alarmingly. In particular, there are pepper gardens in Chu Prong Gia Lai with thousands of pillars giving a lush fruit, but within 1-2 weeks almost wiped out.
According to customs statistics, September's export reached 8,217 tons of pepper of all kinds with a value of US $ 54.6 million, down 6.3% in volume and 5.3% in price over the previous month. In the first 9 months of the year, exports reached 93,304 tons of pepper, although down 15.4% in volume but increased 0.8% in price over the same period last year. The average export price in September reached US $ 6,575 / ton, an increase of 1.06% compared to the average export price of August.
Source English (TTVN / CafeF)
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