Category Archives: Vietnam pepper

                            Vietnam's pepper area increased by nearly 200%.

On the morning of July 17, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development organized a seminar on the proposal of a project to support the development of the cashew, pepper and fruit trees industry in Vietnam. At the conference, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Quoc Doanh said that the rice and coffee […]

Pepper exports in August 2019

Pepper exports in August 2019

According to IPC statistics, pepper prices of various types in August 2019 were unchanged to slightly decrease in producing and exporting countries. In particular, global economic growth did not meet expectations and trade tensions will cause pepper prices to slow down due to a lack of speculation. Farmers in Son Thanh Tay are drying pepper. […]

Vietnamese businesses are abandoning the food market for Muslims

Vietnamese businesses are abandoning the food market for Muslims

20 exported products for food for Muslims are coffee, rice, cashew nuts, pepper, fresh fruits, dried cassava, nuts, cakes, tea … Demand for Muslim food and food is huge Nearly 1.8 billion Muslims make up about 23% of the world's population. The Muslim population accounts for the majority in countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, […]

Indonesia temporarily stopped exporting pepper to Vietnam

Indonesia temporarily stopped exporting pepper to Vietnam

The Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture has temporarily stopped exporting white pepper to Vietnam and instead shipped it to India and Europe to ensure good prices for farmers to improve their incomes and support their families. White pepper, a specialty of Phu Quoc island, Vietnam “Vietnam has always been an export destination. This activity will have […]

China, importer of pepper

China, importer of pepper

China is a country with significant annual pepper production, mainly grown on Hainan Island, a southernmost province. However, China still imports a significant amount of pepper every year to meet the consumption needs of more than 1.4 billion people in the country. Known as a white pepper producer, not only for domestic consumption, China also […]

Pepper, which is losing its position of “No. 1” in the world: Find opportunities from EVFTA

Pepper, which is losing its position of “No. 1” in the world: Find opportunities from EVFTA

Both of the two industries that once ranked No. 1 in the export market of agricultural products are pepper and cashew nuts are sharply decreasing in terms of export value. In the context that Vietnam has signed EVFTA (Vietnam – EU Free Trade Agreement), these two sectors must soon accelerate restructuring and promote clean production […]