Category Archives: Vietnam pepper
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Pepper prices today in the Central Highlands and the South unchanged, ranging from 39,000 to 42,000 VND / kg. The provincial / district (survey area) Purchase price Unit: VND / kg DAK LAK – Ea H’leo 40,000 GIA LAI – Chu Se 39,000 Dak Nong – Chiayi 40,000 BA RIA VUNG TAU – Average price […]
Pepper prices are at the bottom of a sine wave and it is expected to take several more years to improve. But people did not wait anymore, they hurriedly cut the pepper and switched to planting Thai jackfruit, durian, avocado, passion fruit … without even thinking about the possibility of redundant crises in the future. […]
The export value of livestock products in December 2019 is estimated at US $ 65 million, bringing the export of this commodity in the whole year to 710 million USD, up 10.6% compared to 2018. Export of products Livestock has become the brightest point in agricultural exports. Rice exports witnessed a deep decline in the […]
Strong changes in production organization In 2019, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has actively implemented reviewing and adjusting the production strategy, scale and structure in accordance with advantages, market demand and adaptation to climate change; to build a chain of close links between producers and enterprises in product processing and consumption. 2020 is […]
Pepper prices today in the Central Highlands and the South decreased VND 500 / kg in Gia Lai province to VND 39,000 / kg. For the whole region, pepper prices ranged from 39,000 to 42,000 VND / kg. The provincial / district (survey area) Purchase price Unit: VND / kg DAK LAK – Ea H’leo […]