Category Archives: Vietnam pepper

In 7 months, there were 23 export items over 1 billion USD

In 7 months, there were 23 export items over 1 billion USD

In 7 months, there were 23 items with export turnover of over 1 billion USD, accounting for 87% of the total export turnover, of which: Phones and components reached 25.7 billion USD, down 6.6% over the same period. last year. Specifically, according to the General Statistics Office, in the past 7 months, 23 items had […]

Average pepper price last week reached 46,000 VND / kg (August 9, 2020)

Average pepper price last week reached 46,000 VND / kg (August 9, 2020)

Recognizing this morning, pepper prices in the past week suddenly increased by 1,000 VND / kg in Gia Lai and Dong Nai provinces, bringing the price of raw material pepper in the Southern and Central Highlands regions to 45,000 – 48,500 VND / kg. However, pepper prices returned to a stable trend in the rest […]

CIT: Frustrated because exports are taxed like market goods

CIT: Frustrated because exports are taxed like market goods

Processed products for export are equated with preliminary processed goods, and enterprises are subject to an unreasonably high tax rate. Many enterprises (enterprises) processing agricultural and aquatic products said that: Agricultural and aquatic products have to invest in very expensive technology and undergo many stages of processing, preservation, packaging … to increase increase in value […]

Prime Minister: EVFTA has no room for businesses to be impatient and creative

Prime Minister: EVFTA has no room for businesses to be impatient and creative

The Prime Minister said that businesses need to upgrade themselves to take advantage of opportunities from EVFTA, especially when the supply chain, the global market is disturbed. At the online conference implementing the implementation plan of the Vietnam-EU Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) on August 6, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc reiterated EVFTA as a “highway” […]

EVFTA: Commitment to the principles of technical barriers and food safety

EVFTA: Commitment to the principles of technical barriers and food safety

To be able to export to the EU, goods must comply with the principles of technical barriers (TBT), food safety and hygiene (SPS). EVFTA mainly includes commitments on cooperation and transparency in the field of technical barriers (TBT). To be able to export to the EU, goods must comply with the TBT principles in the […]

EVFTA: Commitment to tariff quotas

EVFTA: Commitment to tariff quotas

Including the main principles, specific commitments of each item together with the respective regulations and requirements for granting tariff quotas. Illustration. (Source: freepik) Commitment of EU tariff quotas Mechanism of management and allocation of tariff quotas (PR) Under the tariff rate commitments, the EU will manage tariff quotas in accordance with EU law, with the […]

Many key export sectors of Vietnam have started to benefit from EVFTA

Many key export sectors of Vietnam have started to benefit from EVFTA

Fisheries, textiles, footwear, wood, rice … are the items that benefit from 1/8, when EVFTA comes into practice. This is also a great opportunity for Vietnamese businesses in the difficult context due to the complicated COVID-19 pandemic. From today (August 1), EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EU) – Vietnam (EVFTA) officially came into effect after 10 […]

Trước ngày EVFTA có hiệu lực, doanh nghiệp phải thay đổi tư duy tiếp cận

Trước ngày EVFTA có hiệu lực, doanh nghiệp phải thay đổi tư duy tiếp cận

Hiệp định Thương mại tự do Việt Nam -EU (EVFTA) sẽ chính thức có hiệu lực vào ngày 1/8 với sự kì vọng phát triển thương mại và đầu tư của doanh nghiệp hai nước. Sáng 31/7, Bộ Công Thương đã phối hợp với Hiệp hội Doanh nghiệp châu Âu tại Việt Nam EuroCham tổ […]

Điều lệ Hiệp hội Hồ tiêu Việt Nam

Điều lệ Hiệp hội Hồ tiêu Việt Nam

Điều lệ Hiệp hội Hồ tiêu Việt Nam được phê duyệt theo Quyết định số 2700/QĐ-BNV ngày 27 tháng 10 năm 2017. Chương I QUY ĐỊNH CHUNG Điều 1. Tên gọi, biểu tượng 1. Tên tiếng Việt: Hiệp hội Hồ tiêu Việt Nam 2. Tên tiếng Anh: Vietnam Pepper Association 3. Tên viết tắt: VPA […]

Spending industry in the first 6 months of 2020: Difficult but still difficult

Spending industry in the first 6 months of 2020: Difficult but still difficult

The picture of pepper industry in the first half of 2020 is still gloomy when continuously suffering from large “dumbbells” such as COVID-19 epidemic, low price of pepper, below production cost, dead pepper … Difficult both production and consumption According to the Vietnam Pepper Association (VPA), Vietnam’s pepper harvest in 2020 ends with an estimated […]