Category Archives: Coffee

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Summary of the coffee market week 21 (May 24, 2021 – May 29, 2021)

Summary of the coffee market week 21 (May 24, 2021 – May 29, 2021)

The report predicts that Brazil’s weather will be dry for 3 months in winter, a new factor that has pushed the coffee derivatives markets into the region. “overbought” due to fear of possible frost… Read more: >> Frost damages coffee trees. Robusta London chart July 2021 week 21 (from 24/05/2021 – 29/05/2021) For the whole […]

Market on May 28: The price of oil, copper, iron and steel, coffee,… all increased

Market on May 28: The price of oil, copper, iron and steel, coffee,… all increased

Oil up 1% Oil prices rose 1% in the past session after the US released strong economic data, outweighing the negative impact of investors’ concerns about the possibility that Iran will increase oil supply. on the export market. Ending this session, Brent oil rose 59 US cents (0.9%) to 69.46 USD/barrel, West Texas oil (USA) […]

Coffee prices on May 28, 2021: New York corrected, London continued to increase

Coffee prices on May 28, 2021: New York corrected, London continued to increase

The price difference between the two exchanges prompted speculation in London to increase buying, while speculation in New York short-term profit taking… Robusta chart London July 2021 session on May 27, 2021 Ending the session, the price of Robusta coffee on ICE Europe – London increased for the third consecutive session. Futures for delivery in […]

Market on May 27: Oil prices rise, coffee hits 4-year highs, but gold and iron fall

Market on May 27: Oil prices rise, coffee hits 4-year highs, but gold and iron fall

Oil rose Oil prices rose on Tuesday as a drop in US inventories raised expectations that demand would continue to improve ahead of peak driving season, which offset concerns that supply as Iran returns. exports will cause a surplus in the market. Ending this session, Brent oil rose 16 US cents (0.3%) to 68.87 USD/barrel; […]

Coffee price on May 27, 2021: two exchanges accelerate together

Coffee price on May 27, 2021: two exchanges accelerate together

Coffee prices continued the recovery on both exchanges, but London speculation was still cautious despite the support from New York.… Robusta chart London July 2021 session on May 26, 2021 At the end of the session, the price of Robusta coffee on ICE Europe – London continued to recover. Futures for delivery in July increased […]