Category Archives: Black Pepper

“Billionaire pepper” suddenly suddenly empty handed because of pepper

“Billionaire pepper” suddenly suddenly empty handed because of pepper

3 years ago, after an affair, a mud-footed farmer suddenly became a billionaire, “a rich man”; Now, just after 1-2 cases, the “giants of pepper”, the once-famous pepper billionaire, suddenly empty-handed, become a debtor. Disease outbreaks, rising costs, low prices … many pepper gardens left unattended. Welcoming us in a quiet house without men, Ms. […]

“Billionaire pepper” suddenly suddenly empty handed because of pepper

“Billionaire pepper” suddenly suddenly empty handed because of pepper

3 years ago, after an affair, a mud-footed farmer suddenly became a billionaire, “a rich man”; Now, just after 1-2 cases, the “giants of pepper”, the once-famous pepper billionaire, suddenly empty-handed, become a debtor. Disease outbreaks, rising costs, low prices … many pepper gardens left unattended. Welcoming us in a quiet house without men, Ms. […]

Biological Organic Fertilizers

Biological Organic Fertilizers

CTy INNOLITE LIMITED, would like to introduce to you the product lines of organic microbiological fertilizers imported from the United States, bio-organic fertilizers from Neem (Xoan) plants imported from India. NITRYX Microbiological Organic Fertilizers SP In the past, in agriculture, our fathers had the saying: Contemplative rice peeking out Listen thundering waving a flag Why […]

Application of Streptomyces sp in agriculture

Application of Streptomyces sp in agriculture

Streptomyces sp. It has been widely recognized as an important industrial microorganism due to its potential in the diverse production of secondary metabolites including antibiotics, antitumor agents, antiparasitic agents, inhibitors. Immune preparations and enzymes. Some active ingredients and typical products from actinomycetes: -Antibiotics: streptomycin, erythromycin, tetracylin, neomycin, chloramphenicol, vancomycin, gentamicin. – Antifungal drugs: Nystatin, amphotericin. […]

Ba Ria – Vung Tau: Low pepper growers worry about crop failure

Ba Ria – Vung Tau: Low pepper growers worry about crop failure

Recently, pepper prices continue at a record low, making farmers in the province difficult. Not only that, this year, people planted pepper again a new worry, when this tree in many localities fell mass in mass, low fruit rate makes the risk of yield reduction. The situation of falling cotton and low fruiting rate caused […]

To pepper is not wavering

To pepper is not wavering

The continuous falling prices and strong outbreak of diseases have made pepper production farmers continue to face difficulties. In this context, the functional industry is urgently deploying solutions to support and help people to escape crisis soon … Many pepper gardens in Dak Nong continue to die … Continued crisis According to the Department of […]

Preventing and destroying plague causing pepper damage when the weather changes

Preventing and destroying plague causing pepper damage when the weather changes

Climate change is becoming more complex, leading to more pests on plants. In particular, for pepper is the most difficult industrial crops, very sensitive to pests. Read more : >> Application of Streptomyces sp in agriculture Although high cost pepper brings great economic efficiency for farmers, but the techniques to care for and prevent pests […]

Manifestation of durian malnutrition

Manifestation of durian malnutrition

To assist farmers in cultivating durian on demand, cites documents from the world's most reputable reference sources. Lack of nutrition, yellow plants, stunted, poor development … The symptoms of malnutrition manifested in durian leaves described below have been collected and evaluated by the world's leading research institute. Lack of nitrogen. The most common symptom, […]