Building and developing a safe and sustainable pepper production model

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tieu-den-dai-dien1On August 10, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development coordinated with Gia Lai province to organize a conference on “Building and developing a safe and sustainable pepper production model to increase value”.

The conference spent a lot of time focusing on effective solutions to prevent fast and slow death diseases and the current situation of using pesticides and pesticide residues on pepper towards pepper production to ensure safety. whole food.
According to the assessment of Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Quoc Doanh, over the past time, units under the Ministry and key pepper provinces have made great efforts to curb the outbreak of deadly diseases. slow on pepper. However, due to the rapid increase in the area of ​​newly planted pepper, the high residues of pesticides have adversely affected the yield and quality of pepper.
Towards safe and sustainable pepper production with high economic value, Deputy Minister Le Quoc Doanh said that provinces should focus on replicating the model of linking enterprises providing input materials and purchasing enterprises. with farmers to ensure safe products, traceability.
Up to this point, the total pepper area of ​​9 key provinces reached nearly 100,000 ha, an increase of nearly 5,500 ha; in which, pepper area in 4 provinces of Central Highlands is nearly 55,400 ha (accounting for 56.7%), 3 provinces in the Southeast region is nearly 40,000 ha (accounting for 40.7%), 2 provinces in the South Central Coast are more than 2,500 ha… 5,000 ha of pepper infected with the disease die quickly, die slowly, accounting for nearly 5% of the total pepper growing area.
In Gia Lai, pepper is grown in 13/17 districts, towns and cities with an area of ​​over 16,300 ha; in which, new pepper planted in 2016 is more than 1,200 ha, basic construction pepper is nearly 6,000 ha and business pepper is more than 9,200 ha.
The whole province currently has over 2,800 hectares of pepper infected with yellow leaf disease, which is slow to die, accounting for 18% of the total pepper area of ​​the province, an increase of more than 1,600 hectares over the same period, mainly in the districts of Chu Puh, Chu Se, and Chu Prong. , Duc Co and Dak Doa.


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