Bio-Organic Fertilizer

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INNOLITE CO., LTD, would like to introduce to you the product lines of microbial organic fertilizers imported from the United States, bio-organic fertilizers from Neem (Orange) trees imported from India.


Once upon a time, in agricultural production, our forefathers had a saying:

The rice paddy is peeking out from the shore

Whenever I listen thundering raise the flag

Why when “to listen” With thunder, the rice will raise the flag again. How is this phenomenon explained? In the atmosphere 78% is inert nitrogen gas (inactive, does not participate in chemical reactions, does not support life) when thunder temperatures reach 2,000 degrees Celsius, it is this temperature that cuts the triple bond of inert nitrogen form NO gas, this gas is unstable to oxygen and turns brown in the air as NO2NO2 continue to react to form NO3main NO3 is a source of protein for plants “flagging the flag”.

To break the triple bond of inert nitrogen requires a very high temperature of 2000 .0 C, so is there any other way to cut this stable triple bond to provide nitrogen for plants to absorb, this route is Enzyme (Nitrogenase) of nitrogen fixing bacteria Paenibacillus polymyxa (PP), one thing “Symbiotic” between bacteria PP with leaves and roots.

Scientists of Blacksmith Bioscience Inc, Texas, USA isolated and selected bacterial strains PP This bacteria converts atmospheric nitrogen into a form that is readily available to plants “flagging the flag”. That’s the product Nitryx SP with the following ingredients:

Nitryx SP Certified by OMRI (Organic Material Review Institute as a fertilizer used in organic agriculture with code: bbs – 7077 produced by Blacksmith Bioscience, USA.

Dosage: 125g-250g/ha/time of foliar spray or root irrigation (5g/bottle of 16 liters of water), repeat after 30-45 days.

Note: Compatibility of Nitryx SP can be mixed with other fertilizers, Can be mixed with fungicidesshould not be mixed with antibiotics, Cu-based drugs (copper) and soil disinfectants.


  • Converts inert atmospheric nitrogen into plant-available nitrogen.
  • The relationship between roots, leaves and bacteria is a symbiotic relationship so that leaves are greener, increase photosynthesis, increase crop yield, and help plants better withstand adverse environmental conditions. school.
  • Provides effective Humic acid, Potassium for plants.
  • Produce plant stimulants such as Auxin, Cytokinin, …
  • Helps reduce inorganic nitrogen in agriculture.

Mechanism of action of Nitryx SP:

When watering the roots/spraying through leaves Nitryx SP PP bacteria will take up residence (settle) in roots and leaves and thrive in the rhizosphere and leaves.

  • Symbiotic with roots/leaves. The roots/leaves provide food for the PP bacteria.
  • PP bacteria start the process of synthesizing inert nitrogen from the atmosphere into a form that is easily absorbed by plants, helping plants increase photosynthesis and increase resistance.

FORGE SP microbial organic fertilizer

Besides PP bacteria, scientists of Blacksmith Bioscience Inc, USA have selected, “trained” multifunctional actinomycetes: Enzyme secretion Cellulasessecrete antibiotic, antifungal that is bacteria Streptomyces nigrescens produce microbial organic fertilizer Forge SP has the following ingredients:

Forge SP Certified by OMRI (Organic Material Review Institute as a fertilizer used in organic agriculture with the code bbs – 7076 produced by Blacksmith Bioscience, USA.

Dosage: 125g-250g/ha/time of foliar spray or root irrigation (5g/bottle of 16 liters of water), repeat after 15-30 days.

Note: Compatibility of Forge SP can be mixed with other fertilizers, Can be mixed with fungicidesshould not be mixed with antibiotics, Cu-based drugs (copper) and soil disinfectants.

Streptomyces what? Streptomyces belongs to the actinomycete family (Actinomyces) often live in the soil as a very important decomposer. This strain produces more than half of the world’s antibiotics (Streptomycin, Erythromycin, Tetracylin, Neomycin, Chloramphenicol, Vancomycin, Gentamycin …) and antifungal drugs such as Nystatin, Amphotericin.

When sprayed through the leaves Streptomyces When encountering plant pathogenic microorganisms, it will increase in number exponentially, then secrete antifungal and antibacterial substances, normally if it encounters the agent of fiber (Cellulose), it will secrete specific enzyme Cellulase to break down fiber.

Streptomyces in the soil it does the same job as it does on the leaves, Streptomyces also works on the siderophore mechanism. Siderophore can be understood as “iron macrophage” harmful microorganisms in soil that normally require large amounts of free iron to grow. Streptomyces secretes a precipitate (retains) free iron, making it impossible for harmful microorganisms to grow.

Siderophore can be illustrated as follows:

Uses of Forge SP:

  • Streptomyces Used in agriculture to protect crops against fungal and bacterial pathogens.
  • On the other hand Streptomyces attractive to other microorganisms, after attracting other microorganisms it secretes antibiotics, antifungals to inhibit pathogenic bacteria and fungi.
  • Provide humic acid for plants to absorb.
  • The carrier for this bacteria is also a form of nutrients (organic substances) that are easily absorbed by plants such as amino acids, humic acids, etc.
  • Stimulates the root system to grow strongly, helping to absorb nutrients more strongly.
  • Increase productivity and quality of agricultural products.
  • Streptomyces decompose fiber (Cellulose) and organic compounds in the soil. Forge SP is used to compost organic matter, manure, fish manure, oil cake, coffee husks, and compost.


Neem tree (Leaves, Seeds, Stems, Bark) is a very famous plant, used for a long time with medicinal remedies for humans, animals and used in Indian agriculture. Hundreds of years ago, the Indians used Neem in agricultural cultivation, used as an insecticide, aphrodisiac, fungicide, nematode and fertilizer. In the Neem tree contains an active substance with very high chemical activity that is Azadirachtin, Azadirachtin has very high antiseptic properties but does not harm beneficial microorganisms in the soil.

As biotechnology develops, especially fermentation technology and Nano technology. Mumbai-based RICH FLORAAZ scientists have been working for years to create a bio-organic fertilizer called a bio-organic fertilizer. Neemzyme pallets.

Raw materials used: All components of Neem, seaweed extract and some herbs, yeast cell extractnatural minerals to create a product that brings maximum benefit to the people of India and the world.

Ingredient: Organic Matter 30%, Humic Acid 3.3%, Amino Acid 5.0%, Fe 900 ppm, Humidity 6.0%, Additives…

Dosage: 12-20kg/ha/times of repeated base application from 30-60 days depending on each plant type and stage.

User manual: Neemzyme pallets can be mixed with chemical fertilizers, compost, manure for fertilizer, or applied separately.

Neemzyme pallets is produced in the form of tablets, helping to release nutrients slowly in the soil for plants to absorb (limiting fertilizer loss)

Neemzyme pallets are used at the following stages: Stimulate flowers and fruit, raise fruit, restore orchards after harvest.


To enhance support in all stages of the crop, Neemzyme Liquid biosynthetic organic foliar fertilizer offers a variety of uses, both foliar spray and rooting as needed. Especially effective at the stage of making flowers to nourish fruit, prevent tree failure, and restore plants after harvest.

Dosage: Mix 1 bottle (1 liter) with 1,000 liters of water for spraying or maybe more for rooting. Repeat after 3-4 weeks depending on.

Summary of the use of 2 types of Neemzyme:

  • Stimulate the root system to grow strongly, help mobilize nutrients in the soil for plants to absorb, help increase photosynthesis, and increase crop yield.
  • Stimulating flowering and fruiting strongly, anti-flowering, dropping young fruit.
  • Helps to increase the efficiency of the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, fungi, nematodes when using soil fertilizers with NEEMzyme pallets.
  • Repels pests, as well as nematodes in the soil.
  • Helps reduce the amount of chemical fertilizers.

Micro-Fertilizer CALCIMAX-FEED

Calcimax-B Is a product of Sunraysia Organic Manures Corporation of India, is a fertilizer that stimulates growth and provides necessary nutrients for plants in all growth stages, from nursery stage to stage. postharvest recovery.

With the maximum combination of calcium and boron, it helps to neutralize organic acids that remain in the soil, making plants toxic, helping trees increase fruit size, increase yield and quality of agricultural products. Especially effective when spraying calcimax-B to prevent fruit cracking and dropping young fruit.

Dosage: 3 liters/ha/base watering, or 1 liter calcimax-B mixed with 1,000 liters of water for foliar spraying.

For more details please contact:


Registration, import, distribution in Vietnam

No. 100/16 DX 94, Ward 6, Hiep An Ward, City. Thu Dau Mot, Binh Duong Province.

Tel: 0274 65.61.232, Phone: 0974.510.489, Email: or

Product in charge: Tran Quang Dung

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