Ben Tre: The highest price of green pomelos in the last 3 months

Ben Tre: The highest price of green pomelos in the last 3 months
Ben Tre: The highest price of green pomelos in the last 3 months
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After a period of low standing, the price of green pomelos in Ben Tre province has risen sharply again from 10,000 to 20,000 VND / kg compared to a few months ago, Can Tho newspaper reporting.

Specifically, the price of grade 1 grapefruit is being sold to traders and fruit purchasing establishments in the province by VND 40,000 / kg; Type 2 pomelos cost about 29,000-30,000 VND / kg. This is the highest price in more than 3 months.

According to farmers who grow green grapefruit and fruit trading establishments in Ben Tre province, before the lunar new year 2020, the price of green grapefruit type 1 was 40,000 – 42,000 VND / kg but then gradually reduced to only at VND 25,000 / kg, even lower, especially in March and April 2020.

The reason is due to the impact of COVID-19 epidemic, while the majority of green grapefruit exports to China, the consumption is almost completely stopped, cannot be exported, causing a sharp decrease in prices.

Recently, due to the decrease in the supply of pomelos and the green pomelos being consumed in the domestic market, the price increased again. However, the price of green grapefruit is still quite low compared to the same period of many years ago, when farmers regularly sold grapefruit at prices from 55,000 to 60,000 VND / kg.

In addition to the export output, which is still difficult due to the influence of COVID-19, the green pomelos could not be sold at high prices as in the previous years, but in recent years, farmers in many localities have stepped up the development of planted areas as a source. Supply increased, affecting the overall price level. The quality of green grapefruit grown in many places is not as delicious and sweet as the green grapefruit grown in Ben Tre so it also affects the general purchasing power.

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