Industrial animal feed output will reach 24-25 million tons by 2025
Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang signed the Decision 1625/QD-TTg Approved the Project for developing the animal feed processing industry until 2030.
The specific goal of the Project is to industrialize the production of advantageous domestic supplementary foods (processing microorganisms, enzymes, herbs, natural compounds, macro minerals, trace minerals). , natural minerals…) to provide about 20-25% of demand in 2025 and 30-35% in 2030.
Promote the application of high technology and advanced technology in processing agricultural and industrial by-products, food processing… as animal feed in the direction of industrialization, improving use value and economic efficiency.
Industrial animal feed output reaches 24-25 million tons in 2025 and 30-32 million tons in 2030; Meet at least 70% of the total demand for concentrated animal feed.
The content, tasks and solutions of the Project are to develop and innovate the technological level of industrial animal feed production in areas with livestock development orientation.
In particular, develop industrial animal feed production in areas where there is still large livestock space; Limit the opening and expansion of industrial animal feed production facilities in areas with high livestock density and high density of animal feed production facilities.
Other contents, tasks and solutions of the Project are to develop the industry of producing supplementary foods and processing agricultural and industrial by-products as animal feed; Convert a part of agricultural land to produce animal feed ingredients to meet domestic demand and limit imports.
Priority tasks and projects include: Assessing technology levels and proposing solutions to improve industrial animal feed production technology; develop supplementary food production industry; develop the production, processing, and preservation of agricultural and industrial by-products for animal feed; Developing raw material production areas for animal feed.