Approval of the National Forestry Planning for the period 2021 – 2030, vision to 2050

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The National Forestry Plan aims to ensure a stable national forest cover rate of 42% to 43%.

The goal of the forestry planning for the 2021 – 2030 period is to ensure a stable national forest cover rate of 42 – 43%, focusing on improving forest quality, especially existing natural forests.

Planting production forests on average 238,000 ha/year, planting protection and special-use forests on average 8,600 ha/year, restoring natural forests on average 22,500 ha/year, the forest area with sustainable forest management certification by 2030 will reach over 1 million ha.

Forest environmental service revenue increases by an average of 5% per year. In the 2021 – 2025 period, revenue will be about 3,500 billion VND per year, and in the 2026 – 2030 period, revenue will be about 4,000 billion VND per year.

The plan also aims to develop the forestry sector into an economic and technical sector by 2050, promoting the potential and advantages of tropical forest resources; applying modern and environmentally friendly technology; creating many products and services with high added value, proactively participating in the global value supply chain; and increasingly contributing to the country’s sustainable development.

According to the planning orientation, promote scientific research, select and create new varieties with high productivity and quality, fast-growing native tree varieties with productivity and quality to serve the development of production forests and large timber forests. Ensure an average supply of 575 million trees/year.

The planned forestry land area for the 2021-2030 period is 15.848 million hectares. Of which, the area of ​​special-use forest land is 2.45 million hectares (accounting for 15.5%), protection forest land is 5.23 million hectares (accounting for 33%), production forest land is 8.16 million hectares (accounting for 51.5%). The forested land area is 14.7 million hectares, accounting for 92.7% of the forestry land area.

Within 30 days from the date of approval of the national forestry plan, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall complete the handover of the 1/100,000 scale map to the locality with forests. In addition, it shall preside over and coordinate with ministries, branches, and provincial People’s Committees to implement the plan.

Details of Decision No. 895/QD-TTg dated August 24, 2024 of the Prime Minister here

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