Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc: Vietnam's economic growth has contributed greatly to the Industry and Trade sector

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Export reached 264 billion dollars, ranking 22nd in the world; The trade balance of goods reached a record surplus of approximately US $ 10 billion – a figure that Vietnam could not have imagined decades ago … Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc affirmed the great contribution of Industry and Trade to Vietnam's economic development speed; as well as the important and undeniable role of the Industry and Trade sector in trade promotion activities, promoting and signing international agreements, strengthening and developing the domestic market, re-locating price chains. global values ​​…

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc assessed that, in the context of the global downturn, even many very large countries could not increase, the comprehensive achievements of 2019 were achieved by Vietnam (economic growth reached over 7%. , growth quality, improved labor productivity, low inflation … The icor index has decreased from 6.42% in 2016 to 6.07% in 2019. It is especially good for macroeconomics. policies, monetary policy, macro management, coping, handling problems very timely … “This achievement is determined by the indisputable contribution of the Industry and Trade sector, of all enterprises in the Industry and Trade sector.”, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc affirmed.

The Prime Minister said that in 2019 the total import and export scale of Vietnam reached over US $ 500 billion, an unprecedented large, the growth rate was 4 times higher than the world average. GDP increased by over 7%, quality improved, labor productivity increased by 46% … In particular, exports reached a record of nearly 264 billion USD; trade surplus reached 9.94 billion USD. There are 32 items with export turnover of over 1 billion USD, of which 8 items exported over 5 billion USD and 6 items exported over 10 billion USD. “These figures 10 years ago we could not have imagined. Because before, we had continuous trade deficit”, Emphasized the Prime Minister.

Although in this structure, although Vietnam's goods are not as high as FDI, according to the Prime Minister, this growth has also shown the growth of Vietnamese enterprises. Besides, the ratio of export of raw goods also decreased, instead of processed goods was promoted.

The Prime Minister also said that inflation is low, people's lives are improved, and the standard of living is good, bringing the total retail sales of goods up. “Going to the street people are busy trading, I am very happy. Enterprises need research to serve the tastes of consumers. People have a strong new rich country”, The Prime Minister shared; at the same time acknowledging the reform efforts of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in 2019, contributing to the construction of an Integrity Government, tectonics and action...

After being the first Ministry to complete the reduction and simplification of 675/1216 business conditions in 2017 (saving more than 122,000 working days per year), the Ministry of Industry and Trade continues to be the first Ministry to issue Decision 3720. / QD-BCT dated 11/10/2018 on the plan to reduce and simplify investment and business conditions for the second time for the period 2019-2020.

Accordingly, in 2019, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has continued to simplify and cut 33 administrative procedures out of 445 existing administrative procedures under its management function.

Recognizing the great achievements of the Industry and Trade sector in 2019, the head of the Government considered this an important foundation to step into 2020 with new production capacity.

In 2020, there are many important events of the country, the Prime Minister requested ministries, including the Ministry of Industry and Trade to be aware of the tasks, ensuring the implementation of all aspects must be better than 2019, continue the motto of action. , breaking through to exceed 2019-2020 targets. At the 2019 Summary Conference and the 2020 mission orientation of the Industry and Trade sector, the Prime Minister pointed out 5 issues that the Ministry of Industry and Trade should pay attention to, and at the same time, the Prime Minister also assigned 3 main objectives for the whole Industry Merchants in 2020.

In particular, the Prime Minister noted 5 issues, including:

First: The Ministry of Industry and Trade should closely follow the tasks and contents of the Government's Resolution No. 01 / NQ-CP on the major tasks and solutions to direct the execution of the socio-economic development plan and cost estimates. state budget in 2020; Resolution 02 / NQ-CP of the Government on continuing to carry out the main tasks and solutions to improve the business environment, enhance national competitiveness in 2019 and orientations to 2021.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade needs to implement synchronous Trade Agreements (FTAs), focusing on potential markets. Perfecting institutions, continuing to renovate the mechanism, from pre-checking to post-checking, creating favorable conditions for business investment, simplifying administrative procedures. At the same time, the Industry and Trade sector needs to develop and improve a long-term and consistent policy system, aiming at stable growth, allocation and use of social resources according to the market mechanism. Formulating strategies, master plans for branch development for the next 10 years is a very heavy workload.

The Prime Minister considered industry planning to be very important, slowing down could hinder development. Advanced development institutions, policies and planning will create momentum for Vietnam, especially for key industries.

Monday: Ministry of Industry and Trade needs to improve the productivity of the whole industry. To develop Vietnam's industry, instead of relying on crude oil and oil, to rely on processing and innovation. Ministry proactively took a leap forward to take advantage of the 4.0 industrial revolution.

Tuesday: All levels, sectors and localities must consider the enterprise as a center of innovation, a focus on developing industry and trade, creating a favorable environment for people and businesses in production and business.

Wednesday, continue to strongly restructure industry, increase labor productivity, deeply participate in global value chains. Develop a number of key industries, creating higher added value, especially processing industry.

Thursday, make good use of the free trade agreements that Vietnam joins. Thereby promoting export import control, closely monitoring the situation to have a timely solution.

The Prime Minister said that Vietnam has a population of nearly 100 million people and a large internal demand, so the Ministry of Industry and Trade needs to organize the market well, build strong brands and goods to persuade Vietnamese, not be to lose the retail market. Therefore, the Ministry of Industry and Trade needs to do well in market management and avoid commercial fraud. At the same time create more favorable conditions for import and export, in the spirit of post-inspection and anti-corruption.

Three goals the Ministry of Industry and Trade must achieve in 2020

Given that next year is an important milestone in the 2016-2020 period and a premise for the next period, the Prime Minister assigned the Ministry of Industry and Trade to achieve three goals to be completed.

first: The Prime Minister assigned the growth target of processing – manufacturing industry to reach 12%. This year, the industry rate reached 10%. The Prime Minister said that this sector is the main driver for growth.

Monday: The Prime Minister assigned the export target to reach the landmark of 300 billion USD in 2020.

“This is a very large number that requires solutions and efforts. Accompanying that is the trade surplus of about 15-17 billion USD”, Said the Prime Minister.

Tuesday: retail market growth is about 12%.

To achieve these goals, the Prime Minister asked leaders to closely follow production and market, remove import and export problems. Implement synchronously free trade agreements, develop potential markets. Perfecting institutions, continuing to renovate the mechanism, from pre-checking to post-checking, creating favorable conditions for business investment, simplifying administrative procedures.

The Prime Minister also asked the Industry and Trade sector to continue restructuring and focusing on handling long-term loss projects. Not just 12 projects but maybe 15 -17 projects. ”We do not complain about the old, blame anyone but our responsibility is to shoulder these problems”, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc emphasized.

The Prime Minister also emphasized that energy development in general and power projects in particular are important issues to ensure adequate supply of electricity. “Do not lack electricity” is the order the Prime Minister assigns to the electricity industry.

However, the Prime Minister emphasized the need to prioritize the development of clean energy and environmental protection. For coal power projects, if they develop further, they may get mixed reactions from the public. Environmental protection is the task of the industry and trade sector, not just the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

The Prime Minister suggested focusing on industrial development policies, requiring localities to respond to industrial development. “The Ministry of Industry and Trade must take the lead in resolving plannings, not letting plannings constrain development. There are specific guidelines and policies to free stagnant resources such as space and human resources. Further universalizing, furthering international commitments, especially to people and businesses”, Requested by the Prime Minister.

Acquiring the guidance of Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, at the Conference, Minister of Industry and Trade Tran Tuan Anh also acknowledged: In 2020, although there are many advantages, difficulties, challenges are basically very big. The world economy has not shown any signs of prosperity, protectionism is still complicated and will have a strong impact on our country's exports. In the country, labor productivity in many fields is still low, the competitiveness of some industrial products is limited, requiring the whole industry and trade sector not only to make more efforts and determination but also to be creative. more, more innovation, urgently, drastically and responsibly to accomplish the planned objectives assigned by the Government and the Prime Minister.

Minister Tran Tuan Anh said: In 2020, the Ministry of Industry and Trade clearly defines specific tasks and solutions to be included in the Action Plan for implementing Resolution No. 01, Resolution No. 02, Resolution No. 35 and the directions of the Government and the Prime Minister synchronously from the beginning of the year, closely following the growth scenario to organize the administration. The spirit is determination, innovation, drastic, responsible, effective in directing, in which special attention is paid to the following issues:

The first focus: is to continue solutions to accelerate industrial restructuring, towards increasing the content of science and technology; developing a number of key industries with high potential and advantages and added value. Strongly develop supporting industries, strengthen connection with FDI enterprises and participate at a higher and deeper level in regional and global value chains.

The second focus: It is to overcome existing problems to ensure the energy source for socio-economic development, to ensure that electricity shortages in service of people's production and people's life do not occur. In the immediate future, to concentrate on completing the national electricity development planning in the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2045 (Electricity Planning VIII), ensuring a reasonable proportion of traditional and renewable energy, ensure balance source and grid. After that, it is active, drastic, in collaboration with the State Capital Management Committee to solve problems for the on-going power projects; put these projects into operation soon.

The third focus: is to develop exports towards sustainability, improve the quality, efficiency and legitimacy of export activities, continue diversifying export markets, creating a better connection between agricultural production and markets. . Proactively and seriously in international economic integration but ensuring a fair competitive environment for domestically produced goods before imported goods.

Fourth priority, focusing on developing the domestic market, stimulating domestic demand, strongly applying information technology in commercial activities, thriving e-commerce and linking e-commerce with various types of activities. Traditional trade activities. Associated with that is improving the performance of market management forces in the country, strengthening management, market inspection, prevention of smuggling, trade frauds, origin frauds and violations. Intellectual property rights.

Final is to improve the efficiency of international economic integration. Paying attention to improving international integration capacity through information dissemination and raising awareness throughout the society. To well fulfill the role of ASEAN Chair 2020 to further enhance Vietnam's prestige and position in the international arena, focusing on the finalization of ratification of the Free Trade Agreement and the Investment Protection Agreement between Vietnam – The EU (EVFTA Agreement and IPA Agreement) has a program to assist businesses to seize the opportunities created by this Agreement.

”The Ministry of Industry and Trade determined that 2020 will be a year of special significance, the last year to implement the 5-year socio-economic development plan 2016-2020, preparing and creating momentum for the 5-year plan. 2021 – 2025 and 10-year Strategy 2021 – 2030. 2020 is also the year the country holds many events, celebrating major holidays: 90 years of founding the Party, 75 years of founding the Country, 130 years of the President's birth Ho Chi Minh and organized the party congress at all levels to the 13th National Party Congress. With the motto of action “Discipline, integrity, action, creativity, responsibility, efficiency”, The Ministry of Industry and Trade commits to the Prime Minister that he will make the best effort to fulfill the tasks assigned by the Government and the Prime Minister.”, The head of Industry and Trade stated his determination.

According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade

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