Planted area of ​​Vietnamese pepper and other countries in the world

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Weekly IPC Newsletter No. 45/2019 from 04-08 / 11/2019

November 21, 2019

Area of ​​pepper in the main producing countries in the world

Unit: ha

Year Brazil India Indonesia Malaysia Sri Lanka Vietnam China Madagascar Thailand Cambodia Other total
2001 39,000 218,670 159,884 13,400 30,794 36.106 15,700 4,000 2,892 2,500 522,946
2002 41,000 222,460 160.606 13,100 31,387 42,000 16.o00 4,000 2,890 3,000 536,434
2003 50,000 223.060 184,000 13,000 31,970 48,800 17,000 4,000 2,800 3,000 577,630
2004 45,000 231,880 171,000 13,000 32,437 50,000 18,000 4,000 2,800 3,000 571.117
2005 40,000 231,800 150,000 12,700 24,739 50,000 19,000 4,000 2,800 3,000 538,039
2006 35,000 253,730 140,000 12.235 29.156 50,000 20,000 4,000 2,800 3,000 549,921
2007 32,857 236.180 113,002 13.023 29,910 50,000 16,625 4,000 2,787 3,000 501,384
2008 29,549 196,297 114,570 13.487 30.156 50,000 16,567 4,000 2,060 700 3,000 459,686
2009 27,415 181,299 113,683 13.608 30,528 50,000 16,749 4,000 2,142 800 3,000 442,424
2010 23.263 182,000 110,620 15,000 30,931 51,000 17.498 4,000 1,991 850 3,000 439.303
2011 21.089 189,100 110,900 15,000 31,926 52,500 16,568 4,000 1,210 900 3,000 444,663
2012 19,427 196,200 112,850 14,791 31,667 54,500 17.125 4,000 734 1,500 3,000 454,924
two thousand and thirteen 18.472 197,000 113,000 15,000 31,997 61,500 17,425 4,000 412 2,300 3,000 461.806
2014 20,000 198,000 115,000 16,000 31,296 85,500 18.188 4,000 412 2,700 3,000 492,390
2015 22.110 198,500 116,000 16,300 31,670 97,500 19,000 4,000 500 4,600 3,000 507,460
2016 25,660 131,790 117,000 16,700 34.997 105,000 20,000 4,000 500 6,100 3,000 517,220
2017 27,730 134,280 117,500 17,000 36.221 151,982 20,000 4,000 500 6,700 3,000 458,731
2018 30,503 138,566 117,900 17,437 40,241 148,744 20,000 4,000 500 7.471 2,800 479,419
2019 * 27,850 140,000

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