To durian no longer “bitter taste”

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From agricultural products with miraculous growth, export value in 2024 reached more than 3.2 billion USD, now, growers and durian exporters start to feel “bitter taste” when durian prices plunged without braking.

The reason is that the main export market of China tightens the import regulations, requires a certificate of non -yellow O (Auramine O), non -contaminated cadmi of the testing agency designed by China and including certified, when durian through the border gate is still checked.

Durian businessDurian business

The above rules caused many durian batches to be rejected at Chinese border gates. Exported output from the beginning of the year to mid-February 2025 was only 3,500 tons, down 80% compared to the same period in 2024. Domestic, thousands of tons of durian must be stored, the price decreased from 140,000 VND/kg to 50,000 VND/kg

The above situation is the consequence of massively expanding the area, the lack of scientific cultivation, post -harvesting durian harvest has many shortcomings, centralized exports and depends too much on a market, easily affected, precarious if you apply the technical barrier, adverse impacts on durian production and consumption of durian in the country.

In order to overcome the risk of inventory, surplus of production, planting-plants for durian, the authorities need to urgently negotiate with the Chinese side to create favorable conditions for domestic enterprises to test durian quality. The localities have planted areas to strengthen management and supervision of product quality, especially packaging and storage after harvest. In the long term, it is necessary to stabilize the existing durian area, support people to improve the quality and diversity of processed products and improve value; Meeting requirements and standards associated with diversity of international markets, brand development, durian value of Vietnam sustainable and reaching far.

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