Vietnam’s dairy industry embraces green economic development trends

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Milk Market: Current Consumer Trends & Impact

According to the General Statistics Office, in 2023, the country’s fresh milk output is estimated to reach 1,860.8 million liters, an increase of 7.5% compared to 2022; powdered milk output will reach 154.8 thousand tons, a slight increase compared to 2022.

Currently, the country has over 1,700 dairy farms, many of which are industrial-scale and modern, along with over 28,000 dairy farming households. The output of fresh raw cow’s milk from domestic dairy cows in 2023 is estimated at 1.2 million tons, an increase of 7.2% compared to 2022; the average milk yield nationwide in 2023 remains at over 5.75 tons of milked cows/year.

With constant efforts, the Vietnamese dairy industry not only basically ensures the consumption needs of Vietnamese people but also exports to 60 countries such as China, the US, Europe, the Middle East… with an export turnover of 300 million USD/year.

With the aim of accompanying the dairy industry in integration and sustainable development, the Vietnam Dairy Association has organized an international exhibition on the dairy industry and dairy products every two years.

International exhibitions have become an effective bridge for domestic and foreign enterprises to meet, exchange, seek partners, expand markets, enhance investment cooperation, promote trade, exchange science and technology, contributing to improving competitiveness.

In particular, grasping the trend of developing green economy and circular economy towards the Netzero target that the Government committed to at COP26, many businesses have applied solutions for green production (factories, farms with Netzero certification, planting trees, renewable energy…) and strive to develop the dairy industry to meet domestic and international requirements.

Meanwhile, people in many countries, including Vietnamese consumers, are increasingly interested in enhancing immunity, micronutrients, improving physical strength and health. Especially the demand of young people and people with high incomes for consuming organic products and nut milk. This is a potential customer segment that dairy businesses aim to serve.

According to the Vietnam Dairy Association, many of Vietnam’s milk export markets have been and are imposing strict requirements and standards. Some countries have sent expert teams from many fields such as environment, veterinary, and processing to inspect each factory and livestock farm of Vietnamese enterprises. Therefore, if green and circular development solutions are not implemented, enterprises will lose the opportunity to develop.

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