USDA: Forecasts that global pork consumption in 2030 will increase by 7.2%

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Forecast growth in beef, pork, and chicken consumption until 2030

Unit: million tons

USDA: Forecasts that global pork consumption in 2030 will increase by 7.2%

• Total global meat consumption (beef, pork and chicken) is forecast to increase 9.6% over the next 7 years, from 327 million tons in 2023 to 358.4 million tons by the end of 2030.

• From 2023 to 2030, global beef consumption is expected to increase by 7.3%, reaching 80.2 million tons; Global poultry meat consumption is expected to increase 13.2%, reaching 147.5 million tons.

• Global pork consumption is expected to reach 131 million tons in 2030, an increase of 7.2% compared to 2023.

• Pork consumption in Vietnam and the US is expected to increase by 28.3% and 11.7%, respectively. In China and Russia, consumption is expected to increase by 5.8% and 4.5%, respectively. It is expected that the European Union’s pork consumption will decrease by 3.9%, from 18.4 million tons in 2023 to 17.7 million tons in 2030.

Forecast of pork consumption to 2030 in the world’s top 5 countries.

Unit: million tons

Source: USDA

• Pork consumption in Latin America in 2030 is expected to increase by 14.2% compared to 2023, reaching 10.7 million tons. Leading countries in the region such as Brazil, Mexico and Argentina are expected to consume 3.5 respectively; 3 and 1 million tons in 2030. Compared to 2023, the volume increases by 10.6%, 13.5% and 27.6%, respectively.

Forecast of pork consumption in Latin America to 2030

Unit: million tons

Source: USDA

• For Central America and the Caribbean region, total pork consumption is estimated to reach 1 million tons in 2030, up 19% from 2023.

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