Chili prices have dropped, growers are worried about losses

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While the harvest is in full swing, the chili price is only “pegged” at less than 10,000 VND/kg, causing farmers to lose revenue.

In recent days, Quang Ngai farmers have begun to harvest the 2023-2024 Winter-Spring chili crop. Photo: Ha Phuong
This year, the weather is favorable, and disease control of chili peppers gives high yields, and disease control. Photo: Hanà  Direction
This year the weather is favorable, with few pests, so chili yields are high, with few pests. Photo: Ha Phuong
However, many chili growers share,   For more than half a month, now  chili is very cheap, thin chili costs 9,000 VND/kg, local chili (long, large, spicy) costs 4,000 -5,000 VND/kg.  Photo: Hagrave;  Direction
However, many chili growers shared that over the past half month, the price of chili peppers has been very low, chili peppers are 9,000 VND/kg, chili peppers (long, big, less spicy) are 4,000 – 5,000 VND/kg. Photo: Ha Phuong
"Giá  This is less than half of what it was at the same time last year.  just enough bù  Money for seeds and medicine is spent", ông Võ  Nhut (thôn Ho Tieu, Xã Nghia Haà, Quang Ngang City) shared. Photo: Hà  Direction
“This price is less than half compared to the same time in other years and is only enough to cover the cost of seeds, fertilizer and medicine,” Mr. Vo Nhut (Ho Tieu village, Nghia Ha commune, Quang Ngai city) shared. Photo: Ha Phuong
Giá  low, chili growing households do not use water.  Recognition to save costs.  Currently  Thuê  Fees range from 150,000 - 200,000 VND/person/day.  Photo: Hagrave;  Direction
Prices are low so chili growers do not dare to hire workers to save costs. Currently, the cost of hiring workers ranges from 150,000 – 200,000 VND/person/day. Photo: Ha Phuong
According to my understanding, an average of 500m2 (1 star) of chili produces about 1 ton/crop.  What if  chili 10,000 VND/kg  Return on capital, should be lower than  loss. Photo: Hà  Phuong Chu is a great lý  Chili buyers said that this year, the consumption of the Chinese market is very weak, with low demand.  Low buyback.
According to research, on average 500m2 (1 sao) of chili produces about 1 ton/crop. If the chili price is 10,000 VND/kg, it will break even, if it is lower, it will be a loss. Photo: Ha Phuong

The owner of a dealership  Chili buyers said that this year, the consumption of the Chinese market is very weak, with low demand.  Low buyback.
The owner of a chili purchasing agent said that this year, the consumption of the Chinese market is very weak, and the purchase price is low.
At xã  Binh Duong (Binh Son district) - chili granary of Quang Ngai province.  also different;  dim and dizzy  Absence of collectors and collectors  buy chili. 
In Binh Duong commune (Binh Son district) – the chili granary of Quang Ngai province, the atmosphere is also quite gloomy because there are no people picking and buying chili.
In the spring season of 2023 - 2024, the entire Quang Ngai province planted more than 1,430 hectares of chili, concentrated in localities such as Binh Son, Quang Ngai city.... Dù  government and  The authorities encourage farmers not to expand the area of ​​cultivation, because supply exceeds demand, but the area of ​​chili cultivation next year is higher than last year, which still happens in some localities. . Photo: Hà  Direction
In the Winter-Spring crop of 2023 – 2024, the entire Quang Ngai province planted more than 1,430 hectares of chili, concentrated in localities such as Binh Son, Quang Ngai City…. Although the government and authorities advise people not to expand the area and avoid oversupply, the chili planting area next year is higher than the previous year in some localities. Photo: Ha Phuong
Chili plants are harvested from after Tet until the end of Tet holiday.  The report continued for many months later. Photo: Hanà  Direction
Chili plants are harvested after the Lunar New Year and continue for many months afterward. Photo: Ha Phuong
Chili pepper  crops that depend greatly on the Chinese market, which has many potential risks, are considered "gamble" andì  uncertainty, luck. Photo: Hà  Direction
Chili is a crop that depends heavily on the Chinese market, which has many potential risks, and is considered “gambling” because of uncertainty and luck. Photo: Ha Phuong
This year the Chinese market will have  strong, low demand for food.  chili spike.  On the contrary, this market “turned away”  examì  Chili farming in Quang Ngãi suffered heavy losses. Photo: Hanà  Direction
Every year the Chinese market has strong consumer demand, the price of chili peppers increases dramatically. On the contrary, if this market “turns away”, chili farmers in Quang Ngai suffer heavy losses. Photo: Ha Phuong

According to KTĐ

The post Chili prices fall, growers worried about losses first appeared on Vietnam Pepper Association.

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