Coffee price on 12/05/2022: suddenly skyrocketed

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What caused the price of coffee on both futures exchanges to suddenly spike in a rare way?

Robusta chart London July 2022 session on 11/05/2022

At the end of the session, the price of Robusta coffee on ICE Europe – London reversed to increase. Futures for spot delivery in July increased by 69 USD, to 2,078 USD/ton and for September delivery increased by 67 USD, to 2,080 USD/ton, strong increases. Trading volume very below average.

Similarly, the price of Arabica coffee on the ICE US floor – New York also reversed to increase. July spot futures rose 16.10 cents to 219.90 cents/lb and September futures rose 16 cents to 219.80 cents/lb, extremely strong gains. Trading volume very high above average.

The price of green coffee beans in the Central Highlands provinces increased from 1,200 to 1,300 VND, to range from 40,300 to 40,900 VND/kg.

What caused the price of coffee on the two futures exchanges to suddenly skyrocket in a rare way?

USDX’s rally stalled as it was reported that the US Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 0.3% in April, but still below the 1.2% gain in March. US stocks also fell. The point when the market received positive information from China said that the government will soon ease the blockade of Shanghai because the epidemic has somewhat eased. Speculative capital flight caused digital currency exchanges to plunge…

It is expected that the Fed will continue to vigorously raise the basic interest rate to prevent excessive inflation. But it was only when the massive speculative capital inflow raised the yield on US Treasuries to sky-high levels, due to concerns about the positive “asset recovery” will increase the risk, will make the Fed slack. This makes the market raise the possibility of adjusting interest rates at a slower and less harsh pace.

It seems that the price of coffee futures dropped sharply because the market chose the wrong direction (!), while National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the US forecasts that from May 16, coffee regions in southern Brazil may be affected by frosts lasting for a few days, which has contributed to boosting coffee production. “speculative bull” back to increase buying.

According to Giacaphe.comAlthough there is a prolonged cold in central and southern Brazil, the possibility of frost in coffee growing areas is very low, especially the Brazilian winter which occurs in the three months of June, July and August. Therefore. This cold weather news is just an opportunity for speculation to reap profits in the short term.

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