Black pepper has anti-inflammatory, anti-aging properties, helping the body to more effectively absorb beneficial substances, prevent and destroy cancer cells.
Black pepper is obtained from the pepper plant (Piper nigrum), which has been an ingredient of traditional Indian medicine for thousands of years. Experts in Indian medicine believe that pepper has astringent properties, that is, reduces bloating. In Chinese medicine, black pepper is used to treat epilepsy.
Modern science shows that black pepper offers health benefits. It contains an alkaloid (a naturally occurring amine made by plants) called piperine. This is a powerful antioxidant that gives pepper its pungent taste.
Antioxidants are molecules that repel free radicals – atoms or molecules that disrupt the normal functioning of cells, causing cell death leading to premature aging, causing a variety of diseases such as heart disease. cardiovascular disease, cancer, arthritis, asthma and diabetes. Unhealthy diet, too much sun exposure, alcohol and tobacco use can increase the number of free radicals in the body.
Preclinical studies indicate that piperine fights free radicals. In one experiment, scientists divided mice into several groups. Some children eat a normal diet, the rest eat a high-fat menu. The second group was supplemented with black pepper or piperine.
The team found that the rats fed the pepper and piperine supplements were less susceptible to the effects of free radicals than the control mice.
Piperine also has anti-inflammatory properties. Chronic inflammation can lead to many diseases such as autoimmune diseases, rheumatoid arthritis. Again, animal studies show that piperine helps reduce inflammation and pain in rats with arthritis.
Black pepper helps the body to more efficiently absorb beneficial substances, such as resveratrol – an antioxidant found in red wine, berries and peanuts. Research shows that resveratrol may protect against cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and diabetes.
Normally, resveratrol is broken down before it is absorbed by the intestinal wall and enters the bloodstream. However, black pepper increases the activity of resveratrol, increasing the amount of substance absorbed into the body.
Black pepper also promotes the absorption of curcumin, which is the active ingredient in turmeric, with anti-inflammatory properties. Scientists discovered that eating a combination of 20mg of piperine with 2g of curcumin increased the amount of natural curcumin in the body by 2,000%.
Other research indicates that black pepper can help enhance the absorption of beta-carotene, a compound found in vegetables and fruits that converts into vitamin A once it is in the body. Beta-carotene functions as a powerful antioxidant, which can prevent cell damage. Research shows that consuming 15mg of beta-carotene together with 5mg of piperine significantly increases the blood levels of available beta-carotene.
Black pepper also has anti-cancer properties. Laboratory studies have shown that piperine reduces the production of breast, prostate, and colon cancer cells, and kills cancer cells that are already forming.
In an experiment, scientists compared 55 compounds from a variety of spices and found piperine was the most effective at increasing the effectiveness of treatment for triple negative breast cancer – the most dangerous type of cancer. best.
Piperine also reduces drug resistance in cancer cells, which is responsible for reducing the effectiveness of chemotherapy therapies.
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