Sustainable development of rubber projects in Cambodia

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Sustainable development of rubber projects in Cambodia - Photo 1.

Chu Se – Kampong Thom Rubber Joint Stock Company develops projects in Kampong Thom province (Cambodia), currently managing and exploiting rubber area of ​​more than 16,000 hectares. Total labor Currently, there are 3,392 people, including 156 Vietnamese workers and 3,236 Cambodian workers. The average income in the first 6 months of 2024 of worker about 7.4 million VND/person/month. Production plan VRG 29,200 tons were delivered, the average latex yield of the garden was 1.79 tons/ha. Total revenue in the first 6 months of 2024 reached 533.86 billion VND, reaching 48% of the plan of 1,116.62 billion VND; pre-tax profit reached more than 111 billion VND, reaching 54% of the yearly plan (more than 202.761 billion VND).

From the results achieved after more than 15 years of project development in Cambodia, Chu Se – Kampong Thom Rubber Joint Stock Company continues to orient its development in the following years.

Specifically, building a sustainable development project for the period 2024 – 2060: Closely and harmoniously combining economic growth and solving problems societysustainable development and environmental protection. In this project, the company focuses on implementing many contents, including restructuring capital sources, using capital sources for the right purposes and effectively.

According to the sustainable development project, the company will implement the second cycle of replanting project starting from 2027 until the end of the cycle. To effectively handle the rubber wood harvesting in the replanting activities, the company has developed a plan to build a wood factory according to the orientation of the VRG. Currently this project has been surveyed by the company.

Regarding rubber product development, the company’s main products are currently CSR10 and CSR20. In the coming time, the company will research and develop new products, especially products with high potential and value such as Latex, CV50, CV60, mixed latex…

Continuing to maintain and expand the consumer market, the company promotes marketing activities to promote the brand and products of the company in the market. Implementing a good quality policy towards customers to maintain and develop the brand and market share. Promoting all resources, promoting foreign affairs, joint ventures, and partnerships with foreign partners to access a wider international market.

Investing in science and technology, the company enhances digital transformation through research activities, application of scientific and technical advances, and automation in production to streamline the operating apparatus in management.

Along with that, training staff and investing in machinery and equipment. Continuing to invest in modern specialized equipment, with technological innovation. Through investment to access modern means and equipment in the direction of development of advanced science and technology on worldand also train a team of technical staff and skilled workers to meet the company’s development requirements in the coming time.

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